Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Analysis Of Homer s Odyssey - 1710 Words
Dvir Reif Classics 28 Professor Griffith 4 March 2016 Odysseus’ Divide Homer’s Odyssey provides a detailed account of the Greek hero Odysseus’ return home after the end of the Trojan War and the many obstacles and adventures he encounters along his journey. Depicting a non-traditional heroic character, this epic poem gives an insight into the intricate relationships between mortals and gods, commenting as well on societal norms and expectations in ancient Greece. Odysseus, though not developing as a character in Homer’s Odyssey, experiences dynamic shifts in his character throughout the poem. This constant shifting between two contrasting versions of his character allows Odysseus to be situated as a representation of mankind, a fusion of both civilization and barbarism. Odysseus exhibits an initially civilized attitude upon meeting the Cyclops Polyphemos. Odysseus does not realize, as he explains to the Phaiakians later on, that he â€Å"would encounter a man who was endowed with great strength, and wild, wi th no true knowledge of laws or any good customs†(IX. 214-215), and acts accordingly. This whole interaction between Odysseus and Polyphemos represents a perversion of the guest-friendship relationship that is highly emphasized throughout the Odyssey. The guest-friendship relationship with the Phaiakians provides a basis of comparison for this interaction. Their overall generosity and willingness to help Odysseus, is completely reversed in the situation with the Cyclops.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer1202 Words  | 5 Pagescoping with the idea of losing his father and letting others to rule Ithaca. It is noticeable from the beginning of The Odyssey, written by Homer that Telemachus finds himself in a complicated situation where his life is seen to be in danger. He is a character of being distance from people. The idea of Telemachus becoming his own father, threatens suitor’s control in Ithaca. Homer describes Telemachus as a teenager who has not found himself and is on a mission to become an adult as his father. TelemachusRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer1095 Words  | 5 Pagesused in Homer’s Odyssey is the digression. The digression is departure from the main storyline that does not alter the action of the story, but adds a layer of sentimental content to the plot which usually helps underscore themes central to the story. The digressions in the Odyssey are meticulously written with great attention to detail just like the rest of the epic, and they truly help readers grasp the important aspects of the story. The liberal use of digression in the Odyssey helps build a vividRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer2018 Words  | 9 PagesThe Odyssey by Homer is more light in tone than the Iliad, of the same author: The good wins while the evil is punished. Even though the gods are still strict, the relationship between Odysseus and Athena is a more sincere and equal a relationship than between G od and Man in the Iliad. Odysseus is distinguished not only by his bravery, but largely by his intellect and cunning. He is the type of resourceful man whom never gives up, thinks of the causes, is reverent and never gives in. The Odyssey isRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey, By Homer915 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout the Odyssey, the hero, Odysseus is portrayed in two different and contradicting lights: the wise hero and the capricious leader blinded by his own pride. The epic writer, Homer, embodies the theme of hubris throughout Odysseus’ journey home. The idea of hubris, a trait of excessive pride, significantly develops personalities of characters within The Odyssey, and Homer ultimately creates a statement about excessive pride. The dual portrayal of Odysseus leads the reader to ultimatelyRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey By Homer Essay1479 Words  | 6 Pages The word â€Å"Family†, according to Merriam Webster, is thought to be a group of people brought together by common affiliation. The same cannot be said for the culture in the Odyssey by Homer. In the Odyssey, Odysseus is trying to get back home from fighting in the Trojan War. He has been away from home for almost 20 years longing to just be reunited with his kinfolk. Along the way, he comes across many obstacles that hinders him from reaching his home and family in in Ithaca. Luckily, the memoriesRead MoreAnalysis Of Odyssey By Homer s Odyssey2253 Words  | 10 Pagesand Midwifery Council, 2006). The literature surrounding the subject of mentorship is vast and fails to provide a single definition, however the terms used are often similar. Colley (2000) writes that the word mentor originated in Homer’s poem ‘Odyssey’ in which the character oversees the development of Telemachus. Usually mentoring describes the process of an experienced team member using their skills and knowledge to educate and develop a junior or less skilled co-worker (Chartered Institute ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey 1483 Words  | 6 PagesViolence in The Odyssey Violence in Literature can take any form, whether it be natural disaster like and earthquake or a human based disaster like war (Campbell). In Homer’s The Odyssey both types are found†¦ whether it’s Odysseus’s hardships like making it home or dealing with the wrath of the god Poseidon. Every violent scene has its own reasons, some are more reasonable than others. For instance, the gods were angered by the disobedience of the mortals, this is more reasonable than the killingRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey 795 Words  | 4 Pages Odysseus Epic Hero In the Epic, â€Å"The Odyssey, spoken by Homer, conveys a heroic tale of an epic hero named, Odysseus, who faces many challenges as he sails to get home. One of the tasks Odysseus faces is, The Sirens, who challenge Odysseus s will power. Another challenge Odysseus encounters is, â€Å"The Cyclops, who torments and slaughters some of Odysseus s men due to his curiosity. One of the hardest threats he had to confront was, â€Å"The Land ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey1636 Words  | 7 PagesGreek society, Homer’s The Odyssey provides a detailed insight into the values of this intricate culture. In particular, this epic discusses the ways in which the deathless gods influence the fates of the mortals. The overall impact of the gods’ power is the mental straining that emerges from the unrelenting conflict of man versus immortal. Likewise, the actions and misfortunes of others also catalyze this extremely significant and powerful mental battle. Homerâ€⠄¢s The Odyssey reveals the values of ancientRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey 1128 Words  | 5 Pages The Odyssey shows a lot of different stereotypes for women throughout the book, taking action to get what they want. Odysseus is trying to get back home after ten long years since the fall of troy, and his son is going out to find him. Throughout the book Odysseus meets lots of woman who vary in personality. He meets woman with the stereotypes: â€Å"mantis†- dominant, eats its mate, destroys to gain power, feared by many. â€Å"Damsel in distress†- persecuted maiden, woman placed in a dire predicament requires
Monday, December 16, 2019
Education and Weekly Response Free Essays
|AP/HREQ 3964 3. 00A – Equity in Schooling Human Rights | |Tentative Syllabus | January 7 |Overview of the course, Introductory |group formation | | |Lecture | | |January 14 21 |Theory and Practice |Video, Class Discussion | |Readings: Levine-Rasky, 1-50 and Ghosh, pp. Video | | |1-12 |21 Jan â€Å"Who Am I†Due | | |January 28 Feb 4 | Construction of knowledge, culture, |Feb 4, | |Readings: Levine-Rasky, pp. We will write a custom essay sample on Education and Weekly Response or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1-80 and |differences, anti-racist education |1. Group Project on Classism and education | |Ghosh, pp. 13-90 |Multiculturalism |by: Satnam, Raj, Roshan, Janelle | |Feb 11 Feb 25 | Lecture on First Nations Education. |Feb 25: | |Readings: Levine-Rasky, pp. 42-182 |Feb 11, |1-Group Project on Sexism at school by: | |Weekly response 1 due: Feb 11 |2- Group Project on schooling and First |Erica, Amie, Monique, Rozina Kailie | | |Nations by: |3- Group Project on Schools, hijab and | | |Thajiniah, Chris, |niqab by: Ashana, Victor, Sukhjbet, | | |Aphiraa and Brittany |Harkamal Nancy | |March 4 11 |Lecture on Different Sexual orientation |March 11, | |Readings: Levine-Rasky, pp. 82-212 and | |4- Group Project on Inclusive Curriculum | |Ghosh, pp. 90-164 | |by: | |Weekly response 2 due: March 4 | |Caini Csak, Jewel Perez, Courtney Crumb and| | | |myself Nicole Pereira. | | | |5-Group Project on Homophobia at schools | |March 18 25 |Lecture on Educational policies, Human |March 25: Study Guide for Final exam, | |Readings: Levine-Rasky, pp. 255-274 and pp. Rights and Equity |Course Evaluation | |307-338 |6-Group Project: The experience of Sikhs |7-Group Project on schooling and African | |Ghosh: pp. 165-180 |by: Krystian, Ahmed and Lisa |students by: Rajbir, Jonathan, Dora | |Weekly response 3 due: March 18 | |Jessica | |Essay DUE 25 March | | | |April 1 |Final in-class exam | | How to cite Education and Weekly Response, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Proposal conservation Essay Example For Students
Proposal conservation Essay The topic of the proposal I plan to write will be about the conservation of Earths natural resources. Every people eat away at the whole of the Earth, slowly but surely depleting it of all our resources. What will become of the future generations when the earth as we know it is gone. Many animals extinct and a global warming effect. All this can be prevented if people did their part in conservation. I first became interested in this topic a few weeks ago when studying the effects of humans on the environment in my Ecology and Evolution class. So what can one do to help conservation and why? To find the answer I plan to research books, periodicals and the Internet. One book is Conserving Earths Biodiversity by Edward O. Wilson, which deals with the different environmental issues. A periodical I plan to use is National Wildlife, whose edition carries articles about animal conservation. I also plan use two internet sites, one being the web of The Society for Conservation Biology and the other site is a geocities webpage concerning saving the rainforest and how to get involved. I hope that by writing a proposal paper on conservation, the audience will understand the importance of getting involved and the possible consequences if nothing is done. And by understanding the topic at hand the readers will yearn to get out in the world and make a difference by getting personally involved whether it be by recycling or by voting on environmental laws. Bibliography: Walsh, Wendy. Home page. 1999. 5 April 2002 . Conserving Earths Biodiversity by Edward O. Wilson .
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Vision and Mission Statement Analysis of Snc free essay sample
Vision/Mission statement are the key components of strategic planning. It defines the organization’s purpose, objectives, values and the direction for the future in a brief and concise way. With a good vision statement and mission statement, it can effectively communicate with customers, employees, leadership team and stockholders. The following report is to analysis the vision and mission statement of SNC Lavalin Group Inc, and discusses how they use their statement to align with their performance and activities to its corporate goal. SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. is one of the world’s leading engineering and construction company.The Company operates in four categories of activity: Services, Packages, Operations Maintenance, and Infrastructure Concession investments. It provides services from engineering, project management, construction, construction management, procurement and commissioning. The mission statement (Appendix 1) of SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. is in a good length and it present the organizations purpose and primary objectives. It clearly stated that being a core engineering services business, the main focus is providing professional â€Å"value-added†services from its highly skilled â€Å"know-how†people (technical and managerial competence) to our clients. We will write a custom essay sample on Vision and Mission Statement Analysis of Snc or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Along with the clients, the company also places importance on superior return on investments by stock holders. Same as the mission statement, the vision statement (Appendix 1) of SNC clearly stated its intention is to be the world’s top diversified provider of sustainable engineering and construction solution. It defines the purpose of the organization is to maintain and strengthen its business by developing new skills and activities, in order to respond to the changing needs of clients and markets.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
3 Cases of Inconsistent Wording in Lists
3 Cases of Inconsistent Wording in Lists 3 Cases of Inconsistent Wording in Lists 3 Cases of Inconsistent Wording in Lists By Mark Nichol Whether items are listed in line (within a sentence) or vertically, the syntactical structure of the items should be consistent. In the following three examples, discussion and revision illustrate this point. First Example 1. Integrity to the Discipline 2. Constructive Board Engagement 3. Effective Risk Positioning 4. Establish a Learning Culture 5. Set Appropriate Incentives In this list of topics, the first three are written as phrases, while the last two are imperative sentences (meaning that they tell the reader to do something). Every item should follow the same organization, one way or the other: Option 1: Phrases 1. Integrity to the Discipline 2. Constructive Board Engagement 3. Effective Risk Positioning 4. Establishment of a Learning Culture 5. Setting of Appropriate Incentives Option 2: Imperative Sentences 1. Bring Integrity to the Discipline 2. Enable Constructive Board Engagement 3. Promote Effective Risk Positioning 4. Establish a Learning Culture 5. Set Appropriate Incentives Second Example 1. Appearances are everything. 2. Tell the story. 3. Keep it short. 4. Speak with authority. 5. Respond directly to questions. 6. Be a team player. In this set of statements, all items are complete sentences, but the first one is a declarative statement (one that states a fact or idea). The easiest solution here is to alter the outlier (though in certain cases it may be more appropriate, or otherwise preferable, to retain the syntactical structure of the minority item(s) in a list): 1. Remember that appearances are everything. 2. Tell the story. 3. Keep it short. 4. Speak with authority. 5. Respond directly to questions. 6. Be a team player. Third Example Management complexity is significantly reduced. Tool sprawl eliminated. Scalable, resilient infrastructure. Each of the three items in this list is different; the first is a declarative statement, the second is also declarative but, as is sometimes done in lists, it has (unlike the previous item) been truncated by omission of a helping verb, and the third item is simply a phrase. Again, unless there is a good reason for structuring list items to match the exception or exceptions, go with the majority: Management complexity is significantly reduced. Tool sprawl is eliminated. Infrastructure is scalable and resilient. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Signs and Symbols You Should KnowAcronym vs. InitialismPractice or Practise?
Friday, November 22, 2019
Definition and Examples of the Comparative Degree
Definition and Examples of the Comparative Degree In English grammar, the comparative is the form of an adjective or adverb involving a comparison of more or less, greater or lesser. Comparatives in English are either marked by the suffix -er (as in the faster bike) or identified by the word more or less (the more difficult job. Almost all one-syllable adjectives, along with some two-syllable adjectives, add -er to the base to form the comparative. In most adjectives of two or more syllables, the comparative is identified by the word more or less. Test your knowledge by working through this Exercise in Using the Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives. Examples and Observations We can rebuild. Enlarge the containment field. Make it bigger and stronger than ever! But we need money. -Alfred Molina as Doc Ock in Spider-Man 2, 2004There is no kind of dishonesty into which otherwise good people more easily and frequently fall than that of defrauding the government. -Benjamin FranklinThe stronger the smell of whiskey on him, the kinder and gentler he was with me and my brother. -Harry Crews, A Childhood: The Biography of a Place, 1978There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity. -Johann Wolfgang von GoetheIn memory, the games seem continuous and the days longer, richer, denser, and emptier than any others in my life. -Pete Hamill, A Drinking Life, 1994I had always wanted to go further, higher, deeper, free myself from the net that held me, but whatever I tried I always ended up back at the same door. -Pierre Reverdy, The Glory of Words, 1953; trans. by Andrew McCulloch, 2011Men have so far treated women like birds who had strayed to them from some height: wil der, stranger, sweeter, and more soulfulbut as something one has to lock up lest it fly away. -Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil Youre a woman after my own heart. Tougher than wagon leather, smarter than spit, and colder than January. -Clark Cable as Dan Kehoe in The King and Four Queens, 1956After a second of shock he had recognized Edgar Demarnay. They had not met for several years. An Edgar grown fatter and grosser and older, but Edgar still, with his big pink boys face and his fat lips and his copious short fluffy hair now pale grey instead of pale gold. -Iris Murdoch, The Sacred and Profane Love Machine, 1974 Comparative Forms There are a few irregular comparative forms, for example good ~ better, bad ~ worse, little ~ less, many/much ~ more, far ~ further. Regular one-syllable gradable adjectives and adverbs form their comparative by adding -(e)r, but for most adjectives and adverbs of more than one syllable it is necessary to add the preceding adverb more (or less for a comparison in the opposite direction), for example more careful, more slowly, less natural. The comparative forms make a series with the base (uninflected) and superlative forms. -Geoffrey Leech, A Glossary of English Grammar. Edinburgh University Press, 2006 Take some more tea, the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly.Ive had nothing yet, Alice replied in an offended tone, so I cant take more.You mean you cant take less, said the Hatter: its very easy to take more than nothing. -Lewis Carroll, Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, 1865A man is usually more careful of his money than he is of his principles. -Ralph Waldo Emerson A solitary, unused to speaking of what he sees and feels, has mental experiences which are at once more intense and less articulate than those of a gregarious man. -Thomas MannNothing wilts faster than laurels that have been rested upon. -Carl RowanThe trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed. -C. S. LewisIt is easier to live through someone else than to become complete yourself. -Betty FriedanIt is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. -Mark Twain Correlative Forms The constructions formed by the more . . . the more (or -er . . . -er), the less . . . the less, the more . . . the less can be used correlatively to indicate a progressive increase, or decrease, of the quality or process described. Both adjectives and adverbs can occur in the construction: The bigger they are, the harder they fall, dont they? (adj-adv) [BNC KBB 4742]The sooner you forget the whole incident, the better. (adv-adv)Its funny, the more painting you do, the more you realise you dont know. [BNC CCO 344]The more closely I look at the problem, the less clearly I see a solution.(adv-adv) -Angela Downing and Philip Locke, English Grammar: A University Course. Routledge, 2006The more original a discovery, the more obvious it seems afterward. -Arthur Koestler The Lighter Side of Comparatives When Im good, Im very good, but when Im bad, Im better. -Mae West to Cary Grant in Im No Angel, 1933)[W]e did learn some important life lessons from sports. I learned, for example, that even though I was not as big, or fast, or strong, or coordinated as the other kids, if I worked really hardif I gave 100 percent and never quit- I would still be smaller, slower, weaker, and less coordinated than the other kids. -Dave Barry, Ill Mature When Im Dead. Berkley, 2010In one of his shows, [Jack Benny] and his guest star Vincent Price drank some freshly brewed coffee. After savoring a sip, Benny announced, This is the better coffee I ever tasted.Price snapped, You mean the best coffee!Benny snapped back, Theres only two of us drinking it! -Ken Tucker, Kissing Bill OReilly, Roasting Miss Piggy: 100 Things to Love and Hate About TV. Macmillan, 2005Creamy Jif is peanuttier than any other leading creamy brand. Choosy moms choose Jif. -Advertisement for Jif peanut butter, Parents magazine, 2002) He had been looking like a dead fish. He now looked like a deader fish, one of last years, cast up on some lonely beach and left there at the mercy of the wind and tides. -P.G. Wodehouse, Right Ho, Jeeves, 1934 Pronunciation: kom-PAR-a-tiv
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Ethical, Social and Environmental Standards and Practices of World Essay
Ethical, Social and Environmental Standards and Practices of World Bank - Essay Example The World Bank cordinates with a multiplicity of actors that include government agencies, civil society organization and private sector; thus, high degree of Ethical, Social and Environmental Standards and Practices should be maintained by the World Bank. Social and Environmental Standards and Practices The World Bank has received serious criticism from international and internal level because of the inequality of distributing funds to the need countries. Thus, it has changed its policies as it has persistently been developing new and diverse methods to support socially and environmentally sustainable development by involvement in World Bank projects. There are formulated safeguard policies that are compulsory strategies for every decision, or measure undertaken by the World Bank representatives (Marshall, 2008). The aim of these safeguards is to keep certain social and environmental standards in projects that are managed by the World Bank. Thus, social and environmental soundness is currently a crucial requirement in the project’s valuation of progress, especially for the loan agreement. Although, there is always interference of political and economic activities, the World Bank article of agreement demand that a measure be economically efficient and avoid political considerations. Meanwhile, there is a stronger connection between social and environmental considerations; the World Bank gives the social and environmental rights more weight than the economic development. Manske and Frey (2004) indicate that the environmental standards have to be compiled in every internal or external of World Bank decision and development measures with emphasis on the ecological aspect that act as conditions in a loan agreement. The environmental standards comprise the considerations of labor, health, safety gender and community issues of the developing countries. They contribute to promotion of democracy and human rights because the political awareness and participation i n activities of ecological concern is maintained. Thus, the World Bank has active responsibilities in setting social and environmental standards and promoting exceptional corporate governance. Its key principles are a standard for the financial industry in managing social and environmental issues in projects financing. The organization supports the management of social, environmental of its members, and signed corporate governance approach to promote reasonable governance practices. The approach supports the right and equitable treatment of its members on matters of social and environmental issues. Meanwhile, it supports the disclosure and transparency of the information to its members with a suggestion of the duties of representatives. According to Manske and Frey (2004), the transparency and disclosure of the information provides extra reputation to transparency for the natural resource development among the members. The disclosure of information of dangerous population to its mem bers has helped these members to implement various measures to stop the carbon emulsion into the environment. The organization has managed to introduce flexibility that is vital to customers because it comprises varying capacities and diverse financing products to its members. It enhances effectiveness and strengthens the significance of safeguards in changing its member’
Ethical, Social and Environmental Standards and Practices of World Essay
Ethical, Social and Environmental Standards and Practices of World Bank - Essay Example The World Bank cordinates with a multiplicity of actors that include government agencies, civil society organization and private sector; thus, high degree of Ethical, Social and Environmental Standards and Practices should be maintained by the World Bank. Social and Environmental Standards and Practices The World Bank has received serious criticism from international and internal level because of the inequality of distributing funds to the need countries. Thus, it has changed its policies as it has persistently been developing new and diverse methods to support socially and environmentally sustainable development by involvement in World Bank projects. There are formulated safeguard policies that are compulsory strategies for every decision, or measure undertaken by the World Bank representatives (Marshall, 2008). The aim of these safeguards is to keep certain social and environmental standards in projects that are managed by the World Bank. Thus, social and environmental soundness is currently a crucial requirement in the project’s valuation of progress, especially for the loan agreement. Although, there is always interference of political and economic activities, the World Bank article of agreement demand that a measure be economically efficient and avoid political considerations. Meanwhile, there is a stronger connection between social and environmental considerations; the World Bank gives the social and environmental rights more weight than the economic development. Manske and Frey (2004) indicate that the environmental standards have to be compiled in every internal or external of World Bank decision and development measures with emphasis on the ecological aspect that act as conditions in a loan agreement. The environmental standards comprise the considerations of labor, health, safety gender and community issues of the developing countries. They contribute to promotion of democracy and human rights because the political awareness and participation i n activities of ecological concern is maintained. Thus, the World Bank has active responsibilities in setting social and environmental standards and promoting exceptional corporate governance. Its key principles are a standard for the financial industry in managing social and environmental issues in projects financing. The organization supports the management of social, environmental of its members, and signed corporate governance approach to promote reasonable governance practices. The approach supports the right and equitable treatment of its members on matters of social and environmental issues. Meanwhile, it supports the disclosure and transparency of the information to its members with a suggestion of the duties of representatives. According to Manske and Frey (2004), the transparency and disclosure of the information provides extra reputation to transparency for the natural resource development among the members. The disclosure of information of dangerous population to its mem bers has helped these members to implement various measures to stop the carbon emulsion into the environment. The organization has managed to introduce flexibility that is vital to customers because it comprises varying capacities and diverse financing products to its members. It enhances effectiveness and strengthens the significance of safeguards in changing its member’
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Strategic Management - Integrative and Analytical Tools Assignment
Strategic Management - Integrative and Analytical Tools - Assignment Example This is to ensure customers satisfaction is achieved while the profitability of the company remains sustainable throughout its operations. In order to effectively analyze the new markets, several tools and techniques will be employed so get a comprehensive market picture. These tools include the SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis. A SWOT analysis is a universal tool used for assessing the internal position and capability of a company in relation to the prevailing market environment. SWOT is an acronym for the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats facing a company. The internal advantages of the company are analyzed and the vulnerable points are analyzed. This can be presented in a matrix form as shown below (Figure 1). The scrutiny of the strengths as well as the weaknesses will focus on the four internal areas of the company including the financials of the company, marketing capability, manufacturing and the organizational structure. The threats and opportunities will however seek to look at the environmental factors such as the markets economic situation, social factors and technological advancements. The value of a SWOT analysis is the ability of the results to determine the value of the company as stated by Neubert (2013). This will therefore assist in maximizing the strengths identified while minimizing the weaknesses to take gain of the opportunities accessible and conquer any looming threats to the business. The major benefits of using SWOT for analysis is the fact that it is simple to use and it requires minimal costs and training. PESTLE Analysis is used solely for analyzing the external factors that might affect a strategic business move. It is an acronym for Political, Economical, Social, Legal and Ecological factors that might affect a strategic move. The analysis of these factors therefore enables a business to formulate the best strategy of approaching global markets
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The strengths of a Goalkeeper Essay Example for Free
The strengths of a Goalkeeper Essay For my GCSE PE Coursework Ill be writing about the strengths of a Goalkeeper. A Goalkeeper always needs to be fit before a match because even though he doesnt need to run on the pitch a lot a goalkeeper needs to be fit because if they are not fit they will have difficulties diving to reach a ball when an opponent tries to score and also the keeper might get the ball blasted onto him so he might go down because he is not fit enough to take the shot coming towards him. A Goalkeepers vision is very important for his job because if the keepers vision is bad he wont be able to see the shots coming towards him and then the opponent can score a goal. I think the most important part of a Goalkeepers currier is if he has good grip with his hands because if he is clumsy the opposing player shot will slip right through the keepers hands therefore he lets in a silly goal so the keeper must make sure he has his hands nice and steady and make sure he doesnt have a injury to one of his fingers because if his fingers are injured and the ball hits it hard the keeper could have a broken finger and that could be a permanent injury ending his goalkeeping currier. A Goalkeeper must be a good goal kick taker and also have to do good long balls otherwise if he cant that means there is a very big risk every time he has to take a goal kick and could accidentally pass to the opposing player leaving him a good chance to score. One of the main skills that a keeper has to have are his diving skills because a football goal is quite big so you need to be a very good diver in order to get the ball when it is shot on goal otherwise the keeper cant do much besides stay in one spot or move left or right. One of a goalkeeper strengths has to be how alert he his this is called reaction time a keeper when he sees a ball he as to be alert Page 2 of 2 To dive or jump to it as fast as possible otherwise he will be letting his team down and could cost him dearly in the future. A Goalkeeper strengths must also be Accuracy because if hes going to kick the ball when its a goal kick he has to know where hes kicking it to otherwise he will be wasting time kicking it around the pitch or he could make a mistake and kick it to a opponent leaving him a chance to score. Another keepers skill that he must master is Agility because if he has to go and chase a ball that a striker from the opposing team is also chasing he has to be fast enough to get the ball and clear it so the opponent wont benefit and end up scoring. A really testy skill that some keepers have trouble with are balance a keeper must be able to balance himself after hes taken a hard shot because if he cant balance himself after the ball was blasted onto him he could easily walk in the goal and scoring for the other team which would let your team down. A lot of goalkeepers always happen to be tall from their hands to their feet they must be at least able to reach from the cross bar to the floor otherwise an opponent could easily chip the ball over your head and score a goal so a goalkeeper has to have good height to play and also a Goalkeeper should also have a high jump because if somehow hes out off his 6 yard box anyone could lob him and he has to have a good high jump to catch the ball or at least stop it from going into the goal. CONCLUSION I think that the goalkeeper has the hardest job on the pitch much harder than a defender or midfielder or forward because the goalie has to take all the hard shots and takes a lot of hits by the ball or opposing player trying to score he has to sacrifice himself when he has to jump or dive to stop the ball and when he dives he also has to risk not banging on to the post and risk smashing his head thats why the keeper I think works the hardest on a pitch because of all these reasons.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Comparing Mesopotamia and Egypt Essay -- Papers History Compare Contra
Comparing Mesopotamia and Egypt Before the beginning of history, people from across the land gradually developed numerous cultures, each unique in some ways while the same time having features in common. Mesopotamia and Egypt are important to the history of the world because of religious, social, political and economic development. Mesopotamia was the first civilization, which was around 3000 B.C., and all other countries evolved from it. Mesopotamia emerged from the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The soil was rich and agriculture was plentiful. The Semitic nomads occupied the land around Akkad. The Sumerians established the city-states. Villages became urban centers. Because of the formation of the city-states everything flourished. However, Mesopotamian agriculture lacked stones; therefore mud brick became their major building block. Their diet consisted of fish from the rivers. The rivers were flooded frequently destroyed the cities. Mesopotamians made their living from crops and pottery. Mesopotamian society was stratified into classes and social differences. It was composed of nobles, free clients of the nobility, commoners and slaves. Slave women participated in the textile industry. Free women did exist, however, men dominated the women in Mesopotamia. The nobles consisted of the king, his family, the chief priests, and high palace officials. The king was a war leader elected by the citizens. He established an army and led it into battle. Kingship was hereditary. Commoners were free citizens. The school system of the Sumerians set the educational standards for Mesopotamia culture and other cultures to follow. Their studies included mathematics, botany and linguistics. Some students tha... ...rule of Amenemhet. He was responsible for rebuilding democracy, staff of scribes and administrations. He used propaganda literature to reinforce his position as king. The Egyptians pictured him as a good shepherd opposed to inaccessible god. Ammon was given prominise over other gods. His kingdom became extremely powerful. He established trades with foreign land and formed a standing Army and built forts on the southern frontier. The Second Intermediate Period lasted 150 years. Hyksos from Palestine invaded it. The New Kingdom begins when Hyksos are driven out of Palestine. The New Kingdom was the 18th Dynasty. Ahmose I take over. He reunified the country. Women played in an important role in the New Kingdom. Hatshepsut was a powerful female. She was the wife of Thutmose II and mother of Thutmose III. The wars were fought in horse drawn carriages.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Smallest Contribution Towards the Society
How can we contribute towards our society in the smallest possible way? We are apes,copycatsof west in Culture,Fashion,Independence,Freedom. We as individuals need to understand our responsibility. Our youths have loved their dresses,became party animals,night owls have engaged live-in relationships. Teenagers can be seen flaunting in front of their comrades. But friends i would like to raise a question ain't we trampling our freedom? Are we really behaving as human beings and not opportunist animals who encroach the shelters of others?In abroad no one makes parks,streets,pathways dirty by spitting,spilling left over drinksor beverages,chips wrappers,beverage cans etc. every Indian may be living in a small town,district,city,metro enjoys same menatility â€Å"keep your house clean†. If a person is living in a flat , they are not worried about the cleanliness of the space around stairs ,lift, outside their flat. If a person residing in a independent house they are not bothered about the street just following to their house ,opens stinking potholes.I want to cater attention of the so called civilised individuals busy discussing about politics ,technologies , duties , knowledge, when they themselves make the nation gardens ,streets deterrant by throwing away non-renewal plastic bags , banana peels disposable plats on the road. People blame goverment for not placing dustbins but what about places where scrap container are available but still we don't realize our duty and dispose garbage not in place. we go for picnics , parties ,long drives to enjoy nature ,food and return home after having a blast leaving that place in a mess.It leaves me flabbergasted that the destination point or the road leading to it can remain so beautiful if we are not selfish and think of others and make it a point that we are not going to dispose any waste in open surroundings. We are 1. 2 billion why engage more people in maintaining or cleaning but to emphasize that large chunk o f our population should be engaged in creation . We can have not only our homes clean but offices,markets,parks,colleges,,schools,temples,mosques,churches,railway stations,cinema halls/multiplexes,toilets etc.Only one thought of treating every public place as your own home and trying to keep that place clean for the next user can be real help for our society. A large amount of money to maintain public places can be saved if we show our concern and just dispose garbage at proper place allocated for it. Large amount of funds which are wasted in cleaning the clutter can be channelised and used for the upliftment of the under privileged,downtrodden. May lord convey this polite request of care and concern about others to all the citizens
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Value of Education
Smarthinking's E-structor Response Form (Your marked-up essay is below this form. ) HOW THIS WORKS: Your e-structor has written overview comments about your essay in the form below. Your e-structor has also embedded comments [in bold and in brackets] throughout your essay. Thank you for choosing Smarthinking's OWL; best wishes with revising your paper! *Strengths of the essay: Hello Angelia, and welcome! This is Nicole V. , and I will be your tutor for this essay. You have a very interesting topic about curfews.I noticed that you started off your essay by directly presenting the subject at hand: Curfews do not help keep teenagers out of trouble. They tend to still do what they want. A curfew can sometimes be a disadvantage if the teenager is running behind or late, it can put pressure on them. Through this, your readers will know right away what your essay is about. Good job! Now, let’s move on to your revisions. Main Idea/Thesis: Angelia, let’s work on improving your t hesis statement first. A main idea or thesis statement is the point you are trying to make in your essay.This should always be present because your main idea will serve as the topic in which you will write about. You wrote: This does not stop them from doing things they are not supposed to do. They just speed up and do it or make hash decisions under pressure from peers. You were not able to present a clear thesis, Angelia. Remember that you are writing an argumentative essay. Therefore, your thesis statement should present a strong position in an issue and defend that argument with reasons.For example: â€Å"Minors should not be allowed to drink liquor until they are 18 [argument] because (reason 1), (reason 2) and (reason 3) [supporting points]. †You’ll notice that in the first part of the thesis statement, I presented a clear argument and afterwards provided supporting points, or reasons, why I stand by this argument. Therefore, what is your argument in this issue of giving teenagers a curfew? What is the message you are trying to get across to your readers? How can you defend your position on the matter?Devising a clear thesis will help your readers understand the purpose and the main idea of your essay, Angelia. To help you with this, you can refer to this lesson in the Smarthinking Writer’s Handbook on Thesis Development. Organization: Angelia, organization is important because this is where you arrange the flow of your ideas. If your organization is good, this allows the readers to understand your essay better. The outline is based on how you presented your thesis statement, Angelia.However, because you were not able to present a clear argument, you were not able to defend your reasons for argument well through proper organization. Now, for example, based on the thesis I presented above: â€Å"Minors should not be allowed to drink liquor until they are 18 because (reason 1), (reason 2) and (reason 3). †Therefore, Angelia, t he body paragraphs should be arranged in such a way that I can discuss each discussion point, as presented in my thesis statement, separately: I.Introduction II. Reason 1 III. Reason 2 IV. Reason 3 V. Conclusion Providing an outline will help you write your paragraphs in line with your general topic, and allotting one paragraph to discuss each point will allow you to write your answers with concentration. Now, based on the example given, how can you apply this process of forming an outline to your essay, based on your own thesis? To help you with this, you can refer to this lesson in the Smarthinking Writer’s Handbook on Arguing a Position. Angelia 5443747 has requested that you respond to the Transitions: Angelia, one way to establish a good flow of ideas in your essay is to use transition words. Transition words are like devices that link ideas and sentences to establish a connection. For example, instead of saying â€Å"I don’t like Chinese food. I like Japanese. à ¢â‚¬ you can say: â€Å"I don’t like Chinese food. However, I like Japanese. †Doesn’t that sound much better? For example, you may use a transition device to transition to this paragraph: Curfews are made to ensure the whereabouts of the child.They are made for their protection. Curfews can help keep them safe and also save their life. It will keep them off the streets at all hours of the night. They will help you grow up with values and respect that will take you a long way in life. Here are a few transition words and phrases that might be helpful to improve your transitions: * When showing additional ideas: and, also, in addition, furthermore * When giving examples: for example, for instance, specifically * When comparing: also, likewise, similarly When contrasting: however, on the other hand, yet, although * When summarizing or concluding: therefore, in other words * When showing the time: after, before, during, next, finally, meanwhile, immediately * When showing the place or direction: above, below, nearby, close, far, left, right * When indicating logical relationships: therefore, consequently, as a result, thus, since, because Based on these sample transition words I gave, how can you now apply these to improve your essay? You can use these to transition from one idea to another, as well as between paragraphs.Use it wisely; good luck, Angelia! *Angelia 5443747 has requested that you respond to the Word Choice: Angelia, I will skip commenting on this area first because right now, there are more important areas you need to focus on. When you’ve worked on those, you can resubmit your essay to us at Smarthinking and we’ll gladly help you with the rest. Summary of Next Steps: Our session ends here, Angelia. To make sure you make the best out of your paper, here is a recap of things you need to work on: * Develop an argumentative thesis statement. * Organize your essay based on the supporting points of your argument. Impr ove your sentence/paragraph transitions with the use of transition devices. I hope my suggestions serve you well in your revision. Don’t hesitate to send us your essays and revisions as we are always glad to be of help. All the best! ~Nicole V. Find additional resources in Smarthinking's online library: You can find more information about writing, grammar, and usage in Smarthinking's student handbooks. You can visit the Smarthinking Writer's Handbook or the Smarthinking ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) Writer's Handbook. ************************************************************************ Please look for more comments in your essay below. Thank you for visiting Smarthinking. We encourage you to submit future essays. *************************************************************************Angelia Nash Professor Smith Eng1123 003 07 Jan 2013 DO CURFEWS KEEP TEENS OUT OF TROUBLE Curfews do not help keep teenagers out of trouble. They tend to still do what they want. A curfew can sometimes be a disadvantage if the teenager is running behind or late, it can put pressure on them.This does not stop them from doing things they are not supposed to do. They just speed up and do it or make hash decisions under pressure from peers. [Don’t forget to present your thesis, Angelia. The thesis is important as it presents your argument and the key points in which you will defend it. ] Teenagers with curfews still smoke, drink, skip school and have unprotected sex. On the other hand some parents believe in curfews because it will cut down on the trouble they can get into if they are home by the curfew time. Curfews do not decrease crime.Most of the crimes that are committed are done when they break curfew. The purpose of curfews is to keep them safe and at home by a decent time. Teenagers that do not have a certain time to be home have a lot more freedom and fun than should be allowed by parents. It is not a wise decision for a teenager to go and come as they please. They have no responsibility or work ethnics and nothing to strive for. They have no boundaries set for them, which is needed, nor learning how to be productive adults. If a teen gets to do as they please, the role of the adult is played by the teen not the parent. You used the comma properly to present the introductory element in this sentence, Angelia. Observing proper punctuation helps enhance the readability of your paper. Keep it up. ] They will in the end become very disrespectful because they have not been taught. They will not be used to authority from the so called parent. Curfews are made to ensure the whereabouts of the child. They are made for their protection. Curfews can help keep them safe and also save their life. It will keep them off the streets at all hours of the night. They will help you grow up with alues and respect that will take you a long way in life. A curfew is a vital part of a teenager growing up with morals. They need to be able to get eight hours of sleep at night. This will not happen if they do not have a cutoff point. A lack of sleep leads to bad grades, horrible attitudes, slacking on activities and disrespectful towards those in the authority to tell the child what to do. [You can develop your conclusion further, Angelia. The conclusion is a chance for you to recap the important points of your essay. Your thesis statement should also be reinforced here, to effectively wrap your discussion up. ]
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Comitia Curiata
Comitia Curiata Definition The Comitia Curiata was an archaic political assembly in ancient Rome that survived in vestigial form until the end of the Republic. Most of what is said about it is supposition. Curiata comes from the term curia, a place of meeting. This location term was applied to curiae, which refers to the 30 kinship groups into which the Roman families were divided and that provided men for the military. These curiae were split among the three tribes of the period of the first king, Romulus. The three Romulan tribes were the Ramnenses, Titienses, and Luceres, supposedly named for: Romulus and connected with the Palatine Hill,the Sabine Titus Tatius and connected with the Quirinal Hill, andan Etruscan warrior named Lucumo, associated with the Caelian. It acted on the votes of its constituent members (the curiae). Each curia had one vote that was based on the majority of the votes of the members of that curia. The function of the Comitia Curiata was to confer imperium and to play certain formal roles, like witnessing adoptions and wills. It may have played a role in the selection of kings. The power of the king and the Senate dwarfed that of the Comitia Curiata during the Regal period. Examples Edward E. Best writes: [The] functions [of the comitia curiata] by the last century of the Republic had become a formality performed by 30 lictors representing each of the curiae. Sources: Literacy and Roman Voting, by Edward E. Best; Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, Bd. 23, H. 4 (4th Qtr., 1974), pp. 428-43.A History of the Roman World 753-146 B.C., by H.H. Scullard; 1961The Beginnings of Rome, by T.J. Cornell; 1995The Servian ReformsHugh LastThe Journal of Roman Studies Vol. 35, Parts 1 and 2 (1945), pp. 30-48.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Abstract Aestheticism in Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay
Each character in the novel searches for the elusive goal of happiness, but is never able to a... ..., Sarah. "decadence." In Maunder, Andrew. Facts On File Companion to the British Short Story.New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2007.Bloom's Literary Reference Online. Facts On File, Inc. Sanyal, Arundhati. "Taboo in The Picture of Dorian Gray." Quoted as "Taboo in The Picture of DorianGray" in Bloom, Harold, ed. New York: Chelsea House Publishing, 2010. Bloom's LiteraryReference Online. Facts On File, Inc. Shuman, R. Baird. Magill’s Survey of World Literature, Revised Edition, January 2009, p1-2. (WorkAnalysis) Wainwright, Michael, "Oscar Wilde, the Science of Heredity, and "The Picture of Dorian Gray.'"()AUTHOR. English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 2011, Vol. 54 Issue 4, p494-522, 29p.(Literary Criticism) Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray. A Norton Critical Edition. Ed. Michael Patrick Gillespie. NewYork: W.W. Norton Company, 2007.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
'Childrens rights are equal and indivisible. Discuss in relation to Essay
'Childrens rights are equal and indivisible. Discuss in relation to the experience of girls in any country of your choice - Essay Example nited Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was established in 1989 to protect the welfare of children below 18 years of age against child prostitution or pornography. (CRIN, 2008) Together with UNICEF (2006), the said convention also promotes gender equality by protecting all children from being discriminated due to physical disability or poverty. In fact, governments that are members of UNCRC are required to ensure that children will live a healthy living. Despite the implementation of human rights treaty, sexual violence and lack of educational opportunity for girls who were born from poor families remain a serious socio-economic problem in most developing countries. For this study, the researcher will examine the actual condition of children’s right in sub-Saharan Africa. South Africa is a large country that experiences a huge income inequality wherein 37% of non-urban households headed by women belongs to the 20% of the poorest in the country. (Maharaj, 1999) Based on EFA Global Monitoring Report (2008, p. 4), the provision of pre-primary education for children aged 3 and above remains inadequate in sub-Saharan Africa. In fact, poor families seldom receive proper early childhood care and education programmes necessary for their health and nutrition as well as their cognitive development. Due to financial difficulties, only 86 girls per 100 boys and 79 girls out of 100 boys are able to enrolled in primary and secondary school respectively as of 2002. (United Nations, 2005) For this reason, 59% of 31,135 women between the age bracket of 15 to 24 are illiterates. (UNESCO, 2004) As a result of inequalities in education opportunity in sub-Saharan Africa, most women are not able to access the high salary employment. (United Nations, 2005) Only few women could get paid and regular jobs that provides them minimum financial security as well as limited social benefits. In most cases, 84% of women are informally employed in non-agricultural
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Global political economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Global political economy - Essay Example and definition that real free trade is both beneficial and possible. Question one According to Aristotle democracy is usually not the best form governance. This is also true for oligarchy and the monarchy rule. The rule in democracy is for and by the people who are named in the government type. Aristotle’s main litmus test for styles of governance can be defined as whether or not he viewed them as ultimately virtuous or non-virtuous. According to Aristotle (5) asserts that the decision-making process that takes place within a true democracy as ultimately non-virtuous. This is due to the fact that Aristotle previously defined virtue as a trait that is less common than non-virtue. Therefore, by very definition, rule by majority would be much more likely to display non-virtue than virtue. According to Aristotle, the reason that democracy is unable to present a high level of virtue among the citizenry of a given region/nation is due to the fact that democracy is ultimately based o n a flimsy and misunderstood representation of the word freedom. Aristotle (7) reported that, â€Å"democracies define freedom badly... Everyone lives as he wants and toward whatever end he happens to crave†. What this ultimately represents is its schizoid system in which a litany of human wants, needs, and desires are all represented under the umbrella term of democracy; therefore somewhat whitewashing the term to appear to represent the desires and needs of a broad number of people. However, due to the fact that these individuals must be grouped by their handlers in order to speak to a specific range of needs, democracy rarely represents the needs of the people, masses, or the society at large. According to Aristotle a democracy is the rule of the majority and rule of the poor. When making a decision on the non-virtous and the virtous. Aristotle views that the rule of the majority in practise it is non-virtous because it is too hard to find the majority who can be virtous. The rule of the majority and the poor under a democracy does not aid the city state to attain its telos. As consequence, Aristotle is of the belief that a democracy is not a good form of rule because both the rule of the poor and majority does not attain the telos of the city state. Another reason why the democracy is not a virtous form of government is actually rooted in a concept of equality in a democracy. To Aristotle, a good government is one which is rules aristocratically; meaning that it based on merit (Aristotle 5). In Aristotle’s defination, a democratic is the one has the most people have a participation in the ruling. Thereby, there is at least an approximation of participation of on an equal basis because all the persons have equal participation rights. For Aristotle, the second determinant of whether or not democracy is a normal form of government that should be practiced around the world, he relies upon the definition and understanding of the concept
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Current issue of media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Current issue of media - Research Paper Example Traditional media is further divided into two: electronic and print media, where electronic media refers to television and radio and print refers to all print media like newspapers and magazines. Digital Media or New media includes the internet, cellphones and other mobile devices. Like every invention, the media too has its pros and cons. These give birth to our topic of discussion i.e. current issues in the media and their solutions. Since traditional media allows controlled communication of information, it serves as a source of promoting tradition and culture. The reason why traditional media holds such importance is because it targets to the masses. The positive aspect of this media is by far greater than that of new media, but, being a mass media it can play a significant role in shaping the minds of the people. Societal aggravations are greatly heated up with the wrong portrayal through the mass media. Thus, it can be said that this is the biggest flaw in the traditional media is the uncontrolled flow of information. This information needs to be monitored carefully as this kind of media ensures wide-spread coverage of the content. On a societal scale, the inappropriateness of the content is one issue that has been highlighted for decades now (Garry 215). The nature of programs, even cartoons for that matter, is deemed unhealthy owing to explicit subliminal messages and violent actions shown in them. However, this comes with a simple solution like selected viewership options, child-locks etc. Newspapers are by far the safest media as far as keeping the societal harmony and values intact is concerned. The content is highly filtered and relatively less aggravating as the other mediums. That being said, Advertising has seen a positive trend in the recent years. With the clutter of hundreds and thousands of brands, each trying to get their share in the market, there is an increase in the marketing clutter on the traditional mass media. Whether these brands ind ulge in ethical advertising is another debate altogether, but the media should be responsible to ensure that at least misleading product ads and infomercials are not given airtime, as it demonstrates false information which is against the ethics of a media aimed at targeting the masses. With the advent of technology, the birth of the internet, mobile devices etc. have brought about a change in the popularity of the mass traditional media. The importance and ‘mass coverage’ element is still intact, though there is a rapid shift of the people towards other media like e-papers, e-news, websites, social networking sites, blogs etc. Where these media stand for technological advancement, modernity and mobility, there are several issues attached to them as well. The basic change in media has been because of the introduction of two mediums, namely, the internet and the cellphones. The internet has brought about a positive change in the world through its endless benefits, some o f which are absolute connectivity, availability of information on almost every topic in the world, Job search and hiring, interactive Marketing Avenue for companies, readily available product review, online education opportunities, and video conferencing programs like Skype etc. But, like mentioned earlier, everything comes with its pros and cons, so does this highly beneficial media. People can
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Ikea Company Culture: Comparison to Hofstedes Model
Ikea Company Culture: Comparison to Hofstedes Model INTRODUCTION Researchers have never been able to agree on a common definition of culture. Culture is something intangible, something abstract that is difficult to understand and identify exactly what it consists of. The cultural definitions that are focuses on two dimensions: culture systems of shared ideas, values, beliefs and meanings, that is, culture as cognitive systems, or culture as objects and events in a group, that is, culture as transmitted behaviour patterns (Bang, 1999). Culture is a collective phenomenon since it is shared by all people living in the same social environment. It is the collective mental programming which distinguishes the members of a group or category of people from one another. Furthermore, you can divide the cultures after various degrees of mental programming. National Culture is the mental programming at the national level, derived from ones country (Hofstede, 1991). Hofstedes theory:- In 1980, Hofstede conducted research internationally with the company IBM (through 64 countries) to highlight the role of cultural factors (Hofstede, 1991). These factors, called national dimensions, distinguish national cultures. His studies enabled him to distinguish the scales of values to classify, compare and group the countries according to their responses. These scales, which he named dimensions (4 for the first publication of his studies in 1980 and 5 for the edition of 2001) are as follows: Strong uncertainty avoidance / low uncertainty avoidance. Large Power Distance / Low Power Distance. Masculinity / Femininity. Individualism / Collectivism. Long-term Orientation and Orientation short term. The results of his investigations led him to establish indices for each dimension. Then he was able to place the surveyed countries (50 countries) based on their responses to a particular point of these indices. National dimensions of Hofstede are as follows: in terms of power distance (power distance): This concept refers to social inequality, including relations with authority. This can be defined as the degree of acceptance of those who hold less power in the institutions or organizations in a country where power is unevenly distributed. Individualism or collectivism (individualism): collectivism is the rule or not the collective interests over individual interests Masculinity (masculinity) in companies say male behaviours are clearly differentiated: the man must be strong, prevail and s of interest in material success, while the woman is supposed to be more modest, tender and concerned with the quality of life. Conversely, in societies so-called feminine roles between men and wom en become interchangeable. Tolerance for ambiguity (Uncertainty Avoidance): This is the level of acceptance of gray areas in society, relativism at the level of ideas. Temporal perspectives (long-term/short-term orientation): a country can be rated high on this criterion, which means a country with a high degree of long-term orientation corresponds to a culture that values strong perseverance and thrift. Conversely, a short-term orientation means being turned toward the past and present (Hofstede, 1991). These studies are recognized as classics for understanding cultural differences. According to Hodgetts and Luthans, they are a tool starting point to recognize cultural differences and give a direction to achieve business around the world in an efficient. Conversely, it should be noted that Hofstedes work has often been criticized. The main criticism is based on Hofstedes generalization. A countrys culture is a combination of its average citizens properties, or some sort of modal personality . It is a set of likely reactions of citizens with a common mental programming. The reactions leading to the results of Hofstedes study do not occur in the same persons, but only occur statistically more often in the same society (Hofstede, 1991). To confuse the individual level with community level is called the social science of the ecological mistake. It is based on confusion between personality and culture (Hofstede, 1991). These questionnaire data were made in the IBM study is collected from individuals, but for the study of cultures must be compared at the country level. This means that the average values calculated from the dimensions of the responses to each question for respondents from each country. Hofstede do not compare individuals, but what is called central tendency of responses from each country. There is hardly any individual who answer each question so that the average size for his or her group received. Average person from a country does not exist, only an average tendency to respond in a certain way for the whole group of respondents (Hofstede, 1991). This should be a warning not to use the land points that emerged from IBM examination to stereotype. Stereotyping occurs when assumptions about the collective properties of a group applied to an individual from the group (Hofstede, 1991). Another criticism is all about timing. Are Hofstedes research, commissioned by more than 30 years ago still relevant? Hofstede says that although the national characteristics of our modern times gives the impression of having that changed and we wear the same clothes all over the world, we see the same movies, eat the same food, consuming the same products, performing the same sport, so has our deep-seated values are not changed and will not do it for centuries, despite an increasingly globalized world (Hofstede, 1991). It should also be taken into consideration that the four dimensions was chosen precisely because they differ between countries. Hofstede mentions nothing that is unique to a particular culture, indeed in this respect should each country be free to establish their own unique cultural dimensions. Trompenaars Hampden theory:-Trompenaars is another Dutch business author who is considered an authority on international culture and its effect on organizational work. Quite like Hofstede, Trompenaars Hampden Turner divide the cultural differences across six specific dimensions: particularism universalism collectivism individualism overall vision vision for detail ascribed status status acquired exogenous motivation motivation endogenous synchronic time time sequence Particularism universalism The first dilemma raised by the authors is the dilemma between sameness and uniqueness. Universalist cultures, like the United States, Switzerland, Canada, Sweden, Australia, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, emphasizing the similarity impose common laws. Insisting on equality, they welcome diversity without discrimination, supporting access to voting for all and making everyone, even the political leaders to the same rules. In these cultures, the practical application of scientific discovery promotes rapid technical progress and development of production and mass consumption (Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 1997). Among individualistic cultures, there are particular to the side of France, Brazil, Poland, Mexico, China, Japan. Celebrating difference, these cultures energetic foster innovation, product development, sophisticated, refined, and customized. The situations are experienced in a non-industrial: they are personal, intimate and incomparable. However there may rise to xenophobic and discriminatory (Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 1997). Collectivism individualism Competing values individualism / collectivism is the source of the action and be open about the competition (individualism) or on cooperation (collectivism). In individualistic cultures, like the United States, Great Britain, Australia, the predominance of individual freedom encourages people to take charge. Emerge out of the ordinary people who mobilize immense resources to realize their dreams and explore the unknown, standing out strongly and the community. However, when this is concentrated in the hands of a strong man and greedy, these companies begin exploiting the weak (Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 1997). Collectivism is based on sharing. France, Singapore and Japan are cultures where it is believed to share the wealth of the surrounding world, so it forces companies to do the training of their employees, it supports long-term bank loans and are motivated by a desire to pass on to future generations a healthy environment. However overprotection may lead to attitudes of free riders and laziness for example, the social support system in U.K. which can easily be exploited by cons to gain financial support from the government. The individual, community member, is trapped in a generous system which requires him to share his wealth if necessary (Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 1997). Overall vision vision for detail Cultures advocating a vision of the whole are rather sensitive to quality than quantity. South Korea, Japan, France, Venezuela, Mexico are examples of countries with this holistic representation. The benefits of this vision are clearly in the importance given to quality (Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 1997). The vision of detail, the culture of precision, are for example the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and recently in Eastern Europe. These cultures analyze problems to find the defective component, and repairing it, arrive at a functioning level. Based on feedback, they increase the satisfaction of individuals constantly responding to specific requests of customers(Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 1997). Ascribed status status acquired Cultures are characterized by two basic approaches concerning the social position: the status and acquired the status assigned. Individuals with assigned status often have a strong awareness of their duties towards society, either in financial terms or in moral terms. Their status allows them to transcend the daily battles for them success is not worth any price. They often occupy important positions, some deserved, others falling into the hands of incompetents (Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 1997). Exogenous motivation motivation endogenous Moral choices of an individual are often guided by virtue, which can sometimes be seen as quality inside sometimes outside the individual. Endogenous motivation often leads the individual to remain faithful to his convictions and his conscience, leaving him free to choose their goals and how to achieve them. People who belong to the British or American culture, feeling in control of their destinies, looking to move up the social order. The action is therefore a predominant value at the expense of others as the trigger for example. In this context, the heroes are often the figure of fantasy creatures or cruel (Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 1997). The advantage of cultures based on an exogenous motivation based on their contact with the living environment. Thus the Japanese and the Chinese are trying to imitate nature, while objects from manufacturer of dreams, seeking harmony. Instead of being depleted by opposing adversaries, they use their own energy to fight them (Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 1997). Synchronic time time sequence The final dilemma raised by the authors is the approach time. While the time sequence is divided into seconds and minutes that follow, the time is synchronic repetitive or cyclical events and opportunities repeating. American and Scandinavian cultures, belonging to cultures that measure time in sequence, attach great importance to the time: every minute is important because time is money. Thus, these cultures give rise to many studies on the time and movements. Youth will take some highly valued in a race against time to try to escape death. The individual, trapped in the prison of his employment time, no longer able to enjoy the moment (Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 1997). Central to the vision of synchronic time is the idea of right time, which is causing such methods just-in-time (JIT). Death does not represent a threat, being followed by a new birth. Several activities can be conducted in parallel, which may lead to permanent distraction. The time is determined by the situation: instead of arriving on time, it is more important to arrive at the right time, which requires an adjustment to others and involves allow time for others (Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 1997). IKEA COMPANY CULTURE COMPARISION TO HOFSTEDE MODEL Company Profile: IKEA was founded in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad, who gave his name to the company based on his initials, as well as from the first letters of Hemgà ¥rden Elmtaryd outside the parish Agunnaryd where he grew up in Smaland (Tore Kull, 1998). IKEA was originally a mail order company which after looking at the exhibited furniture could order them through a catalog. The catalog was to play a central role and came out for the first time in 1953 just in time for the first furniture exhibition opened (Tore Kull, 1998). The foundation had been created for IKEA concept, a catalog at the bottom to attract people to an exhibition, what is now the department store. The first store was built in Smà ¥land Älmhult 1958 and the second store was started up at Kings curve just outside Stockholm. This newly opened department store was a success, self-service was IKEAs sales model and so it has remained. Rational tag-self-storage, efficient and number of checkout counters and a lower pro portion of sales orders gave great impetus to the profitability and turnover. (Tore Kull, 1998) Today, IKEA has 202 stores in 32 countries with more than 127,000 employees worldwide. As of 2009, IKEA had net revenues of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 23.1 billion and net income of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬2.5 billion. IKEAs Cultural Analysis: IKEA is known the world over, not least for its strong corporate culture. It has its roots in Smà ¥land and in the Swedish culture and is characterized by a number of values. In IKEA we talk about organizational culture as something unique. The so-called Ikea spirit as the founder of IKEA, Ingvar Kamprad is humility before the task and cost-consciousness, should permeate the entire company. As a bearer of culture to management to maintain and disseminate the IKEA cultures values, which is essential for the company and its cultures survival. The maintenance of an organizational culture based on co-workers. In order to attract new employees, retain and develop existing staff have the organization and culture is constantly evolving. According to Salzer (1994), it is a problem for IKEA to maintain the organizational culture and achieve what you stand for in the organization of an international expansion. The IKEA culture is an informal type of culture that is based on a few core values. The values that best describes the IKEA culture is simplicity, cost-consciousness and humility. Their culture may be built around the values but the key is that the words are dressed in action. To IKEA, they mean nothing unless they are translated into action, as a manager you preserve the culture by being a good role model and act in accordance with company values. The values conveyed through symbols. Example of the small power distance related to IKEA, the way in which IKEA managers hands-on participation in daily work. For example, go down to the warehouse and help when something goes wrong, this would be unthinkable for a for a manager in a high power distance index. IKEAs managers are of different nationalities around the world and use different, individual leadership styles, which is not necessarily resemble a Scandinavian leadership model. The key, again, is that it has ikea in the bottom and that ones actions and leadership are based on IKEAs values. The importance of managers working in accordance with the culture illustrates that for IKEA culture takes precedence over the short-term profitability. Based on Hofstedes (1991) dimensions can be IKEAs organizational culture described by a small power distance. IKEA has a relatively flat organization where hierarchy is barely noticeable, the authority comes from knowledge and personality and not from the title and status (Nygaard Bengtsson, 2002). Salzer (1994) argues that the informal clothing style that prevails at IKEA is another example of this low power distance. Managers and employees operate at the same level, eat together and park in the same place (Salzer, 1994). IKEA managers way of hands-on participation in daily work illustrates the low power distance that exists at the company. Contributing down on the floor if something goes wrong is natural for managers at IKEA, it would however be unthinkable for say a director of an Indian or Chinese or French company. At IKEA, establishing a strong group cohesion with its employees is stressed on from the induction itself which is generally applicable in collectivist societies (Hofstede, 1991). At IKEA the attitude is to say we rather than I. I believe this is a clear proof that the IKEA culture is collectivist. IKEA culture is described, however as a feminine culture. What should characterize the relationship between manager and employee is an open, honest dialogue. Cooperation between colleagues to work well. Managers in feminine cultures are more intuitive than the firm (Hofstede, 1991) which fits well into IKEA, which is, as mentioned earlier, applying the decentralized decision-making. IKEA is characterized by low uncertainty avoidance, which is mainly manifested in the decentralized decision-making. Employees at IKEA are encouraged to make their own decisions, they are given freedom with responsibility and is expected to take initiative. (Internal IKEA materials, 1999) CONCLUSION IKEA HOFSTEDE ANALYSIS Small power distance Collectivism Femininity Low uncertainty avoidance IKEAs universal values
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Education of Nineteenth Century Women Artists :: Essays Papers
The Education of Nineteenth Century Women Artists The formal education of women artists in the United States has taken quite a long journey. It wasn’t until the nineteenth century that the workings of a recognized education for these women finally appeared. Two of the most famous and elite schools of art that accepted, and still accept, women pupils are the Philadelphia School of Design for Women and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (the PAFA). Up until the early nineteenth century, women were mostly taught what is now called a â€Å"fashionable education†(Philadelphia School of Design for Women 5). Their mothers raised them to be proper, young ladies and expert housekeepers in expectation of marriage. If these women were fortunate enough to receive some kind of formalized schooling, they were to study penmanship, limited aspects of their mother language, and very little arithmetic (Philadelphia School of Design for Women 5). Unfortunately, this small degree of education was extremely constrictive to women. If they never married or were widowed at a young age, they really had no place to go. This form of women’s education created generations of women that were almost entirely dependent on their husbands and male relatives. During the nineteenth century, when the feminist movement was beginning, many schools were established specifically for the education of women, such as the Philadelphia School of Design for Women, and also for the education of both. In the beginning, women’s art schools mostly taught pupils practical applications of art. For example, female art students often studied drawing and lithographing, in hopes that they would be hired by industrial companies as designers. The Philadelphia School of Design for Women was one of the first all women’s art schools to establish this form of education. Founded in 1844 by a woman named Sarah Peter, the Philadelphia School of Design for Women was a school like none that had come before it. Peter was a wealthy woman of stature and decided to start this school in one of the rooms of her mansion and to hire a teacher to hold regular classes for women in art and design. (As a wonderful incentive for all women, tuition was free for the poor and the wealthy paid a very small sum.) Sarah Peter saw how truly poor the traditional education for women was and she strongly believed that every woman should â€Å"stand by her sex,†thus her reasoning for establishing this soon to become famous art school.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
“Neat People vs Sloppy People†analysis Essay
â€Å"Neat People vs. Sloppy People†, by Suzanne Britt compares the day-to-day life and habits of â€Å"sloppy†people to notorious â€Å"neat†people. Britt’s point of view leans towards the sloppy person, causing the reader to conclude that the author is most likely sloppy in her own life. The meanings of the adjectives â€Å"neat†and â€Å"sloppy†seem to be flipped around when defined and exemplified. Someone reading this article is either going to be bothered by the context or is going to agree with the view of the messy side. The author’s hope is probably for others to appreciate the morals and intentions of the two different types of people. Read more: Good people short story essay The author of this essay, Suzanne Britt is a poet, essayist, and teacher. Her essay â€Å"Neat People vs. Sloppy People†is from one of her books â€Å"Show and Tell†. The purpose of her essay is to highlight the differences of neat people and sloppy people by changing the meaning and purposes around this topic. The tone of her essay is humorous, yet straightforward. She is able to make jokes about both sides, while being assertive in her meaning of these two styles of life. Through contrasting the two types of people in this essay, Britt is able to convey her purpose of recognizing neat people as â€Å"lazier and meaner than sloppy people†(para. 1). She also states that â€Å"sloppy people live in Never-Never Land†because they never get anything done, since they depend on â€Å"someday†to get their task accomplished (para. 3). By looking at these two contrasting lifestyles, it is seems that she favors the sloppy side of life. Even though she talk s about the sloppy life as putting things off and collecting clutter, she recognizes it as a good thing. It is as though she switches the meanings of the two characteristics to make sloppy positive and neat negative, showing the author has a preference. This odd exchange of the two types of traits makes this article interesting since most would associate being sloppy as a negative. When analyzing these two traits it is seems that the characteristics that would normally describe a neat person describes a sloppy person. When stating, â€Å"neat people are bums and clods at heart†, the author uses derogative words to describe the person (para. 6). The term â€Å"neat†usually means organized and put together, which is what she means by the term â€Å"sloppy†. Sloppy people are stated to â€Å"give loving attention to every detail. When sloppy people say they’re going to tackle the surface of the desk, they really mean it.†Britt makes the neat peop le seem bothersome and uncaring, while the sloppy people seem determined and nurturing. As stated previously, the term â€Å"someday†is used repetitively in the second paragraph to describe when the goals of a sloppy person will be made. It is evident that sloppy people never get anything accomplished in their lives, because they are held back by the word â€Å"someday†. However, the author seems to think someday is not always a bad thing. Britt states â€Å"sloppy people can’t bear to part with anything†, which creates the sense of possible hoarding problems by sloppy people. They never know when they just might need something and it would be a waste to have to rebuy something that they had previously. So, I guess she thinks that they are thrifty and not wasteful people. Neat people get rid of things too quick and can be uneconomical in the long run. This essay â€Å"Neat People vs. Sloppy People†analyzes two opposite lifestyles. By switching their meanings around, Britt is able to show just how different these two lifestyles are. She seems to imply that sloppy people are caring and will get to things done when needed. They are laid back and want to enjoy life by not worrying about keeping everything perfect. Sloppy people do not get caught up in the day to day rush of life and enjoy what they do. Neat people are not relaxed and worry about what others think too much. The author seems to feel that there is more to life than being spick-and-span. One can insinuate based on how she describes both neat and sloppy that Britt favors the messy side. The purpose of her essay is to convey how different each lifestyle is and how they can’t be one without the other. She uses humor almost in a satirical way in order to get her point across while being completely forward with the reader in her feelings towards both sides. By i ncorporating different techniques throughout her essay, Britt is able to portray her thoughts and feelings on the subject of neat verses sloppy people. After reading her article, a neat person might consider relaxing a bit and recognize that there just might be more to life than being spotless.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Life’s Greatest Miracle Essay
â€Å"Life’s Greatest Miracle†_ details the reproductive process from start to finish. It starts by discussing the crucial role DNA plays when it comes to reproduction, its so important due to DNA holding the chromosomes that give each human unique physical traits. From there they begin discussing the process of meiosis, the process of male sperm and female eggs. They describe sperm being more about quantity, whereas the female egg is all about quality. When the male sperm and a female egg meet, they create a union of chromosomes, taking unique traits from both the male and female, creating an individual that has unique traits. The documentary also makes use of microimagery, which gives the viewer very detailed and real time photos of the process that is a new human life and what it looks like during the developmental phases. From this point, they begin discuss the journey sperm takes upon sexual intercourse and the difficult nature of fertilization. It is amazing to think, that at the very beginning of ones conception you are a single cell. A single tiny cell that nature and nurture takes over and the same tiny cells grow to be strong and powerful enough to produce bones, vital organs and a brain over the course of only nine months. Throughout these entire discussions and processes, the documentary does not overwhelm you with scientific jargon and due to the nature of the subject; it was not as uncomfortable as one might then when watching. It also helped that during the entire documentary of the films and going through the scientific side of reproduction that they had a real time couple discussing their experience of pregnancy from start to finish. This made the material much easier to understand. These real life examples gave the documentary another dimension. This was actually my third time watching this documentary, after watching it once in High School and again in a previous college class. Their wasn’t exactly a shock factor or the material didn’t overwhelm me, which is seems to do to many people when they first watch it. After watching it though, it provokes your thoughts about the concept of life and the wonders of how in nine short months; two people can create a new life. Overall the material of reproduction, I agree with. I mean what is there to disagree with exactly? Reproduction is a scientific process like it or not. Yes, there are some unknowns and minor details that we might never find out. Unless you have some of your own beliefs about reproduction and life I just don’t see or understand how somebody could disagree and argue with the science and knowledge we have established in the process of reproduction. Also the video does increase the viewers’ knowledge of our beginnings. Many people know the concept of reproduction, and man has sexual intercourse with a women and if she is fertile, a baby can be conceived, whoever the documentary breaks down the science behind reproduction in detail, but like a stated previously they do an excellent job of not overwhelming the viewer with scientific jargon and the real-life couple they have speaking about their own pregnancy from beginning to birth makes it much easier to understand. Yes, I would recommend this video to another group of students. It was an excellent documentary on the process of reproduction and development. I would recommend this to be watched by future diversity classes and defiantly any type of sexuality class. The material is very informative, and something that any mature class can watch and understand without any issues.
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