Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Left Sided Spastic Hemiplegia | Case Study
Left Sided Spastic Hemiplegia | Case Study Intercession Analysis Foundation Jane Walters is a multi year old young lady and has an analysis of left sided spastic hemiplegia, a type of Cerebral Palsy. Jane has two more seasoned sisters who go to horse riding exercises at their nearby corrals. Jane has as of late communicated an enthusiasm for going along with them to her folks. Anyway her folks are concerned that due to her finding she won't have the option to stay aware of her kin. Jane is extremely mindful of her condition, and has as of late lost certainty, asking her folks for what reason she is not the same as other kids her age. Finding Cerebral Palsy (CP) alludes to non-dynamic conditions described by impeded intentional development or act, and coming about because of pre-birth formative deformities or postnatal CNS harm (Reed, 2013, pp. 38-47). As indicated by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (2008), all things considered, a kid with CP will have other clinical issue, for example, subjective disabilities, seizures, deferred development and improvement. Spastic disorder, for example, Jane’s happen in excess of 70 percent of CP cases. Spastic hemiplegia is a sort of CP that commonly influences the body down one side. The spasticity makes a condition of opposition against any scope of movement; this obstruction at last speeds up that development (Reed, 2013, pp. 38-47). Kids like Jane with spastic hemiplegia will for the most part walk later than other kids and will in general stroll on their pussyfoots in light of the fact that frequently they will experience the ill effects of high impact point ligaments. Frequently the arm and leg on the child’s influenced side are shorter and more slender (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 2008). Effect of Right Hemisphere Brain Damage-Jane has left sided spastic hemiplegia, showing that harm to the cerebrum has happened in the correct half of the globe. The essential driver of CP is harm to white matter of the mind this is regularly brought about by strange mental health. This can be brought about by a seep on the cerebrum, or by an absence of oxygen to the mind, by and large brought about by a troublesome birth (NINDS 2008). It was essential to consider extra entanglements identified with right sided cerebrum harm to guarantee a consciousness of Jane’s level of useful capacity be it; truly, psychologically or behaviourally. Those that may identify with Jane’s case are recorded beneath in table one. Table one: How harm to the Right Hemisphere can influence work and the control of pony riding. Jane’s analysis would imply that she would require contribution from a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT). Given her age this would originate from a network pediatric groups (CPT). The group will work intimately with the children’s’ group in social administrations and essential consideration. The group will give a scope of appraisals and mediations to youngsters and their families. In Jane’s MDT group there will be a scope of various individuals, for example, Physiotherapists, Pediatricians, Occupational Therapists, Social Workers, Speech and Language Therapists and Educational Psychologists (NHS 2012). As per the Disability Act Jane is qualified for an autonomous appraisal of her individual needs. The demonstration is intended to advance the interest of individuals with handicaps in the public arena by supporting the arrangement of incapacity explicit administrations (NCSE 2011). A normalized meet was utilized, this was to permit the OT staff to see how Jane and her family interface with one another creation it simpler to; acquire data, recognize qualities needs and objectives just as produce an intercession plan and empower objective scaling Due to Jane’s condition she would have just been known to social administrations and the MDT, as she had just gotten physiotherapy to help with muscle firmness and improve center quality. In this way upon the OT office tolerating Jane’s referral, an underlying appraisal was completed in her home condition with mother and father present (An and Palisano 2013). Joint effort between proficient ataff and Jane’s family is a crucial part in family-focused administrations, this is viewed as best practice in early mediation and pediatric recovery (An and Palisano 2013). Coordinated effort between the two gatherings is fundamental for defining important and feasible objectives for a youngster. Arranging and actualizing intercessions must have the option to fit inside the setting of family life. (An and Palisano 2013) The accompanying qualities and shortcomings were distinguished during the underlying appraisal. Table two: Jane’s qualities and confinements During the underlying evaluation Jane’s mother communicated worries about her center quality and whether this would influence Jane’s capacity to ride. So as to address these worries a Sitting Assessment for Children with Neuromotor Dysfunction (SACND) appraisal was finished this is a clinical instrument to evaluate static and dynamic postural control in sitting in kids with neuromotor dysfunction’ (Reid 1995) This normalized appraisal was utilized to find out how Jane’s CP influences her capacity to sit easily and concentrate. This ability will be fundamental if Jane needs to have the option to sit upon a pony easily and have the option to focus for the whole meeting. The SACND estimates nature of free sitting capacity across four zones: proximal soundness, postural tone, postural arrangement, and equalization (Knox 2002). The evaluation uncovered that Jane has feeble upper trunk control thus will be given an uncommonly adjusted seat which will empower her to sit all the more serenely and for longer timeframes contrasted with standard seat. After the two appraisals were finished an intercession plan was made with contribution from Jane, her family and the word related advisor. Jane recognized her drawn out objective of pony riding and to accomplish this drawn out objective, four transient points were set to fill in as recuperation achievements (Duncan 2011). Table three: Jane’s long haul point and transient objectives. Word related specialists are not required to utilize a particular practical result evaluation device in the choice of their appraisals. At the point when an expert is choosing an appraisal, they should depend on their clinical and expert judgment (Asher 2007). Advisors need to think about what it is that they expect to accomplish with the appraisal, and if this is dealt with the evaluation can be classed as a triumph. One method of assessing an appraisal is to take a gander at the presentation of patients on an individual evaluation task (Steultjens 2005). What's more, will have the option to address how very much did the evaluation identify with the objective setting and destinations for the patient (Duncan 2011). As a major aspect of the Model of Human Occupation horse riding will have a focal impact in Jane’s habituation. Not exclusively will this build up a daily practice, it tends to be something that Jane can invest wholeheartedly in (Kielhofner and Forsyth 2011). Riding will help Jane expand upon her self-assurance, having that characteristic confiding in relationship with a pony that shows no judgment and doesn't comprehend that she is unique (Horseback UK). The significant worry that Jane’s mother presents is the concern that she won't have the option to stay aware of the physical prerequisites of riding and that this will discourage Jane’s excitement. This worry will be handled in objective number four. Once Jane and her family have a superior comprehension of hemiplegic cerebral paralysis, the OT can start talking about, using pictures how this may influence her. In the event that Jane has a fundamental comprehension of her condition it will be simpler for her to set progressively practical objectives with the OT as she will have a more prominent familiarity with what she can do and may battle with. This will diminished the probability getting upset when attempting to accomplish objectives her concurred objectives, this will ideally lessen mum’s worries about the intercession plan. Jane feels her folks don't permit her to do as much as she might want to have the option to accomplish because of a paranoid fear of harming herself or become excessively worn out. The OT chose to make to make Jane mindful of what exhaustion is and may feel like. This would ideally urge Jane to tell her mum or father when she is feeling tired. With this data Jane’s guardians can keep a weakness journal with Ellie. This will furnish the OT with some data in regards to when Jane feels generally drained and how this effects on her occupations. This would then be able to be examined with Jane’s guardians and the RDA and reasonable game plans can be made viewing weariness the board regarding when might be the most acknowledge time for Jane to make them ride exercise when she has the most vitality. When an example of weariness can be built up the OT staff will create procedures to oversee Jane’s exhaustion. For instance Jane ought to take part in an action that she discovers loosening up, for example, perusing, shading or sitting in front of the TV. This should be possible after progressively demanding action or toward the beginning of the day if Jane is known to have a bustling evening brimming with physical exercises, for example, a riding exercise. On the off chance that Jane can shift her day with unwinding and progressively demanding exercises, she will have the option to ration vitality for the more exhausting movement of riding and in this manner last the entire hour exercise. This type of mediation utilizes the Compensatory Approach. The rule behind this methodology is adjusting to and making up for a brokenness as opposed to simply rewarding the reason for the issue. Which in this is Jane’s cerebral paralysis and her left sided shortcoming there is a greater amount of an accentuation on rewarding the manifestations (Feaver and Edmans 2006). Also, the Compensatory Approach may permit Jane to have the option to recover a level of her autonomy by repaying where the primary driver can't be dealt with. In Jane’s case this is overseeing and remunerating on her shortcoming and weakness, and in this manner permitting her to save vitality so as to finish a riding exercise (Addy 2
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dutton Donald G. Rethinking Domestic Violence Essay
Dutton, Donald G. Reconsidering Domestic Violence Presentation  â â â â â â â â â â This book was composed by Dutton about aggressive behavior at home. It gave us the history about attack on life partners. Dutton discusses two significant social marvels that developed in North American and the Western nations in Europe. Privileges of ladies were recognized by everybody after long and dull battle of ladies to get perceived. It goes further to express the measures and occurrences of savagery including speculations concerning ladies attack.  â â â â â â â â â â This book is significant for it educates about remembering each other particularly the individuals who have the rough characters. It is useful for the general public for it teaches one to acknowledge others rights and distinction between marriage obligations and rights. This book gives us that we can wipe out all chances in our general public and attempt cause every single individual to feel that the individual in question has a place with the general public completely with no terrorizing and segregation.  â â â â â â â â â â Dutton’s thoughts can be utilized to enable the individuals who to have the damaging character by urging them to go to psychiatrist’s lessons. It very well may be utilized to teach life partners in marriage with the goal that they will sidestep future marriage issues. Likewise, in the current globalized world, the thoughts in this book can assist us with mingling and live respectively in harmony and concordance particularly in a residential set up. This book can help individuals who are hitched in different societies to orchestrate or leave those societies and afterward live with the acknowledgment and regard of each other’s rights.  â â â â â â â â â â Weiss, Elaine. Enduring Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free. Spring of gushing lava: Volcano Press,â 2004. Print.  â â â â â â â â â â In this book, Surviving Domestic Violence, Elaine expounded on a few accounts of ladies who had been exposed to abusive behavior at home. She got these accounts by meeting and later keeping in touch with them down. It discusses what every single one of them experienced and how they later figured out how to get away from it. It gives reasons with respect to why such frequencies were occurring. In the wake of getting out, the ladies set aside a long effort to recoup the mental and wounds they got due to thisviolence yet some were yet to completely recuperate for the experience they had experienced had affected adversely on their lives. The individuals who figured out how to manage worry in the wake of coming said that they felt more grounded than any time in recent memory.  â â â â â â â â â â The various stories educated in this book are the genuine circumstances and end results of local related brutality. They achieve what one experiences and how one feels while experiencing the viciousness. Likewise, it assists with understanding what to do when such frequencies occur. It additionally shows its belongings and how they change one’s life along these lines focusing on the individuals who misuse their accomplices. This book is an exceptionally perfect model as it gives us that the individuals who have just liberated themselves from the conjugal maltreatment can instruct others like the young and couples about abusive behavior at home so they abstain from it  â â â â â â â â â â The narratives are exceptionally promising for they give the individuals inspiration to take care of their issues and furthermore how one can get away from this. They can be utilized by those masters in parental direction and mentoring to assist them with molding their marriage when such frequencies are accounted for to them and even before couples get hitched. The thoughts in this book can empower those experiencing maltreatment to get out and search for a superior marriage accomplice. One just needs to acknowledge that the person in question is experiencing aggressive behavior at home and in this way in the event that it can't be fathomed, one can intensely leave and start life once more. Marriage isn't servitude however it’s a way towards accomplishing your objectives in life as one needs an accomplice who is eager to help where conceivable with the goal that they make everything they could ever hope for in life to occur.  â â â â â â â â â â Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence Cook, Philip W. Mishandled Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence. Westport: Praeger,â 2009. Print.  â â â â â â â â â â Phillip uncovered how men experiences aggressive behavior at home quietly. He discusses how genuine it is that men are experiencing abusive behavior at home without the general public suspecting. He brings a few accounts of men who have been experiencing through such brutality from their spouses for quite a while. At that point he goes further to give tips that can assist one with finding opportunity from any type of misuse. At that point he tends to obstruction and acknowledgment for the individuals who are manhandling their companions and how they come to understand that every single individual has the right to be regarded. He likewise discusses new extraordinary methodologies that can be utilized to lessen abusive behavior at home. He at that point gives review insights of abusive behavior at home in Canada. It likewise discusses how the relationship changes between the guilty parties to their casualties.  â â â â â â â â â â The story is useful in acknowledging what a few men experience. It gives insights of abusive behavior at home that individuals are not prepared to discuss. The general public is assisted with perceiving men who are experiencing local maltreatment from their life partners. It is useful in light of the fact that measurements help individuals to realize to what extent they have been living with their companions experiencing maltreatment without acknowledging it. It discusses acknowledgment which can help the individuals who are yet to acknowledge their life partner the manner in which the person is. It is useful for it shows how much men can be exposed to torment with utilization of hazardous apparatuses, for example, blades, cleavers and some other sort of a dangerous instrument or machine so one can compel their accomplice to follow one’s orders.  â â â â â â â â â â Philip’s thoughts can be utilized to know the men who are experiencing mishandles experienced from their spouses and empower us to assist them with coming out of the issue. Likewise, it empowers mental fortitude particularly the individuals who are not brave enough to come out and advise their difficulty to the general public. This book can assist men with freeing themselves away from any type of misuse and terrorizing from their accomplices. This book is significant as it very well may be utilized to tell the degree in which men experience brutality, in actuality, circumstances. Men can likewise utilize this book to assist them with avoiding some other type of abusive behavior at home against them and along these lines decreasing the quantity of men who kick the bucket because of aggressive behavior at home.  â â â â â â â â â â Howard, Louise, Louise Howard, Gene Feder, and Roxane Agnew-Davies. Abusive behavior at home and Mental Health. London: RCPsych Publications,â 2013. Print.  â â â â â â â â â â This book has been composed by and large by various writers who have some expertise in aggressive behavior at home thoughts. It discusses commonness and physical wellbeing effects of abusive behavior at home. It discusses sorts of maltreatment in marriage, for example, physical maltreatment, sexual maltreatment, mental maltreatment and coercive control and furthermore it doubts them and gives signs on how they are realized and their answer. It additionally discusses impacts of the person’s brain research which is profoundly influenced even later on that may not get them insane. It weights on endurance procedures to dodge such maltreatment and furthermore how one can control one’s brain to abstain from harming their brain science. This book additionally gives the sorts of mediations and reactions individuals can take after or when you presume any type of viciousness. Advices from experts on aggressive behavior at home are additionally re corded.  â â â â â â â â â â This book has orders on what causes mental issues after maltreatment. It likewise gives us ways on the most proficient method to control ourselves and keep up a condition of tranquility so as not upset our focused on mind. It instructs us on various types of abusive behavior at home. It is a significant book for it has suggestions on abusive behavior at home from professionals’ perspective.  â â â â â â â â â â The story in this book can assist us with evading mental issues because of residential maltreatment and can be utilized by therapists to realize what causes a specific mental issue and they can utilize the thoughts here to empower their customers who are experiencing this issue to receive in return. It can likewise be utilized to teach couples with the goal that when they are not in acceptable terms to attempt to their best take care of the issue before it turns crazy. The advices written in this book can likewise be utilized similarly to guidance individuals particularly those experiencing aggressive behavior at home contingent upon the underlying driver and the sort of savagery.  â â â â â â â â â â Kubany, Edward S, Mari A. McCaig, and Janet R. Laconsay. Recuperating the Trauma of Domestic Violence: A Workbook for Women. Oakland: New Harbinger  â â â â â â â â â â This book is coordinated to the individuals who have been liberated from abusive behavior at home and particularly ladies. Because of rough local circumstances, one may create post-awful pressure issue which are difficult to escape one’s mind and can contrarily influence that individual. It is planned for giving projects known as psychological injury treatment which one experiences to support the person in question return to typical. It gives the methods one can utilize them to support oneself by recognizing any type of injury and pain one has that can empower one to manage it to help control and change their life .  â â â â â â â â â â This book is focusing on the individuals who have been influenced by aggressive behavior at home with the goal that they return to typical. It is an instructive apparatus for the general public to comprehend the overwhelming impacts of spouse battering. In this way it causes us to even to recognize the individuals who are experiencing post-awful pressure. It contains methods and systems one can follow with the goal that they make him bargain any outcomes brought by aggressive behavior at home. It is al
Thursday, July 30, 2020
My advisor won $3 million
My advisor won $3 million The media has been buzzing about the Fundamental Physics Prize: nine physicists worldwide just won $3 million each for outstanding contributions to our understanding of the universe. One of those winners is an MIT professor, and the inventor of The Inflationary Theory Of Cosmology, which is a fancy title for A More Complete Version Of Big Bang Theory. Classic Big Bang theory, this professor likes to say, “says nothing about what banged, what happened before it banged, or what caused it to bangâ€; inflation provides an explanation. His Wikipedia article says that he has, “in the pastâ€, studied “lattice gauge theory, magnetic monopoles and instantons, Gott time machines…extrapolating density fluctuations arising from various versions of inflation, to test against observations, and investigating inflation in “brane world†models.†His MIT faculty page says that his research “has centered on the application of theoretical particle physics to the early universe: what can particle physics tell us about the history of the universe, and what can cosmology tell us about the fundamental laws of nature?†What you won’t find out from these websites, though, is that he designed and teaches an undergraduate class on the Early Universe, will be teaching 8.07 (Electromagnetism II) this fall and has been my advisor for about a year. He told me to call him Alan. During our first meeting, he helped me pick which classes to register for. We wrote down a list of all the classes I was considering, worked out pros and cons, and played the process of elimination game. The whole time, I was distracted by the thought that he might find this boring or inane. I figured that hed probably rather be writing a list of Leading Theories About How The Universe Works, and working out pros and cons using hardcore physics magic. He seemed genuinely invested in my interests, though, and when I expressed an interest in astronomy towards the end of the meeting, he gave me a list of professors to get in touch with. One of them was Professor Dumbledore; I will say no more about that, and instead direct you here. Suffice it to say that Professor Dumbledore is the reason why I am doing astronomy research this summer. That semester, I took Alan’s Early Universe class. I missed a lecture because I was sick, so read the lecture notes and asked if I could meet with him to go over the parts I found confusing. To be honest, I also secretly wanted to find more excuses to hang out with him. Either way, we made an appointment, and at some point during the meeting ended up following a tangent to the world of cosmic strings and time loops. Eventually, he suggested that we meet again the next week for a more complete discussion on the topic, so that we could actually get to all my questions. There’s now an e-mail thread in my inbox called “Discussing Cosmic Stringsâ€; Alan ended up giving a special out-of-class talk on cosmic strings to anyone from our class who was interested and available to attend. A couple of times, we found ourselves walking in the same direction after lecture, and I ended up telling him all about my experience teaching on the Navajo reservation. It was refreshing to talk to him about something completely unrelated to physics. This spring, I applied to a bunch of summer programs, and it made perfect sense to ask Alan for a letter of recommendation: he was both my advisor and my professor. I was worried, though, that he’d be too busy, and that my rec wouldnt make it onto his priority list; I pictured a template with my name in the blanks. Instead, we met in person to discuss my interests and objectives in more detail, and he asked me to send him my application essays. I guess I cant confirm that he actually used any of that information, but now Im doing an REU with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, soit couldnt have been that bad. Its true that with Great Physics Power comes Great Time Commitments; I cant waltz into my advisors office and expect to find him there, which is kind of a bummer. That said, I havent had any trouble making an appointment with him. Heres my point: when I found out that Alan Guth was going to be my advisor, my first thought was WOAH THATS AWESOME! and my second thought was ugh, great famous person for an advisor. Im not going to get any attention at all. This seems like as good a time as any to stress that this physicist extraordinaire still finds time to be a down-to-earth, supportive advisor to a little undergrad who doesnt even know what classes to take next fall, let alone how to investigate inflation in brane world models. I think that thats something for every scientist to aspire to: as much as, if not more, than winning a $3 million prize.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Symbolism Of The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nicholas Markle Mrs. Voshell Honors English 10 6 January 2017 Symbolism in the Scarlet Letter In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book, The Scarlet Letter, symbolism is used to give the reader an in-depth understanding into the events that take place in the story. There are several symbols that Hawthorne uses to give meaning to the people, places, and things throughout the story. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne’s husband disappears and is thought to be dead. She has a child with Dimmesdale, Hester’s minister, and the baby’s name is Pearl. The identity of the father is not revealed until later in the story. During Hester’s public shaming for committing adultery, she sees her husband, Chillingworth, in the crowd. Once Hester’s husband finds out†¦show more content†¦She is forced to wear the letter as a sentence for adultery. In the book, it is widely known among the townspeople as a unholy symbol and shun all who are affiliated with it.. The scarlet letter has appeared multiple times in the story in more ways than just appearing on Hester. It appeared in the sky when the comet flew by and it was carved onto Hester and Dimmesdale’s tombstones. To Hester, it was a reminder of her sin, and a punishment that she thought she deserved. To the townspeople, it was a symbol of sin and of how feeble the woman’s mind was. To Dimmesdale, it is a mark of unholy sin and a stain on his mind and spirit. Every time he sees the scarlet letter, he is reminded of his sin. To the reader, it was a symbol of the passion between Hester and Dimmesdale. The next symbol used in the story is Pearl. Pearl is the daughter of Hester and Dimmesdale. She is described as an imaginative child and thought to be the offspring of a demon due to her sudden outbursts of rages and her loud screams, and because of this, she terrified the people. She was always dressed in extravagant outfits, while Hester dressed in plain and dull outfits, with the only decoration was the infamous scarlet lett er. In the context of the book, â€Å"Pearl was the outcome of a sin, of adultery, and was seen as impure.†To Hester, Pearl is a constant reminder of her sin and her adultery. To the townspeople, sheShow MoreRelatedSymbolism In The Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne1045 Words  | 5 Pages Symbolism is the use of symbols in a book to represent ideas or qualities. Symbolism is used many times throughout The Scarlet Letter, whether it be through a person, an object, or a place. Hester Prynne, Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingworth are some of the more important people that are used as symbols by Nathaniel Hawthorne throughout the book. The Scarlet Letter is set in the Puritan time where Hester is the woman who committed adultery, Arthur is the man who committed adulteryRead MoreSymbolism Of The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne923 Words  | 4 PagesSymbolism is a common approach used in writing, but it is not to be taken for its exact connota tion. In literature, the symbol can be a person, item, circumstance, or action that has a more profound significance in the writing. In The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne there are four main symbols that the reader would notice. The symbols include, the colors red and black, the meteor, Pearl, and the scarlet letter itself. Hawthorne uses symbolism in the novel to communicate his message. In thisRead MoreSymbolism Of The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1513 Words  | 7 Pagessomething that is used to represent or stand for something else. Nathaniel Hawthorne was notorious for having used symbolism to portray both spiritual and moral lessons in his works. In fact, what makes some of his stories so great was the symbolism that he used to set the tone or represent key components in the plot. Many of Hawthorne’s works were centered in the Puritan society and dealt with a human’s inclination to sin. Hawthorne realized the many flaws in humans and saw how fake people couldRead MoreSymbolism Of The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1956 Words  | 8 Pagesgenerations. For example, the Model T is not produced anymore, but is the grandfather of almost every car made today, affecting jobs, businesses, people, and the world. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is taught today because it was one of the first important American written novels th at contained obvious symbolism. Since symbolism is used in everything of literary merit, it is important to see where it started. In the same way, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has lastedRead MoreSymbolism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter 1159 Words  | 5 PagesSymbolism in the Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne is known to have a lot of symbolism. Symbolism is a way to convey ideas and give a book a deeper meaning to readers. While there are many symbols in the Scarlet Letter, there are a few that stand out more than others. Pearl, Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth are all main characters that have symbols. Hawthorne symbols are used to help readers relate to the story. In order to really comprehend the book the readerRead MoreSymbolism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter882 Words  | 4 PagesSymbolism in The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter was a novel written in the 1850 s by a man named Nathaniel Hawthorne. Throughout the Scarlet Letter he uses scads of literary devices. The literary devices are there to give the novel more depth. The main device he uses in the novel is symbolism. Hawthorne uses the symbolism to make an object have more than one meaning. Three of the elements he uses as symbols are the scarlet letter, Pearl, and the forest. These symbols are seen differently by theRead MoreThe Symbolism Of Sin In The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1086 Words  | 5 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne,  a anti-transcendentalists, born during the early 1800’s, born in Salem, made a book called The Scarlet Letter. The Scarlet Letter was a book about Puritans in New England, during the 1600’s in a small Puritan town. In his novel, The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbolism of The Scarlet Letter, Pearl and Burrs to contribute to the overall theme of sin.    To begin, Hawthorne uses The Scarlet Letter to symbolize sin. Hester is the main character in the story, sheRead MoreSymbolism By Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter1140 Words  | 5 PagesSymbolism; the use of symbols to represent something abstract by something concrete. It can be powerful in a novel when used correctly. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter is a prime example of Symbolism being used creatively in a work.This is what Hyatt H. Waggoner has to say about the Hawthornes creativity.†But in between the surface and the depths movement is constant and complex, and it is in this middle that the principal value of the work lies.†(Waggoner 73)What Waggoner is talking aboutRead MoreSymbolism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter 1122 Words  | 5 Pagesdraft Topic: Symbolism of the Scarlet letter â€Å"A†In The Scarlet letter the author Nathaniel Hawthorne illustrates the use of symbolism in the book, especially the scarlet letter â€Å"A.†Symbolism is defined as a figure of speech used for an object, or a word to represent something else in literature. The Scarlet letter â€Å"A†had a change of meaning throughout the novel. In the inception of the book it is known as a symbol of Adultery. As the book continues the scarlet letter is looked at differentlyRead MoreSymbolism In The Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne825 Words  | 4 PagesThe Puritan era in New England was inundated with an atmosphere of righteousness and judgment. This culture spurned those who strayed from its religious codes. In his novel The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses multiple symbols to bring a deeper meaning to the society, his characters, and to adultery. One of the motifs used comes as the character Pearl, the daughter of the two adulterers. Pearl has multiple descriptions ; physically, she is â€Å"a lovely and immortal flower,†yet also â€Å"an airy Symbolism Of The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne Symbolism is a common approach used in writing, but it is not to be taken for its exact connotation. In literature, the symbol can be a person, item, circumstance, or action that has a more profound significance in the writing. In The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne there are four main symbols that the reader would notice. The symbols include, the colors red and black, the meteor, Pearl, and the scarlet letter itself. Hawthorne uses symbolism in the novel to communicate his message. In this Puritan society a group of men and women gather around a door that is heavily timbered with oak, and studded with iron spikes (Hawthorne 51). Hawthorn describes the building as the â€Å"black flower of civilized society (52). This building just so happens to be a prison, which is a vessel that holds people who have committed crime. In the novel, a crime would also be consider sin. Without sin prisons would not be created, a prison needs sin, like a flower needs water. Before a person en ters the prison one notices a wild rose bush, which is red, and also the opposite of a â€Å"black flower†(Hawthorne 52). Hawthorne gives the reader a flower â€Å"we could hardly do otherwise than pluck one of its flowers, and present it to the reader†(Hawthorne 52), as a symbol of the moral in the novel,â€Å"to symbolize some sweet moral blossom that may be found along the track, or relieve the darkening close of a tale of human frailty and sorrow†(Hawthorne 52). The main moral in the novel is people mustShow MoreRelatedSymbolism Of The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1464 Words  | 6 PagesNicholas Markle Mrs. Voshell Honors English 10 6 January 2017 Symbolism in the Scarlet Letter In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book, The Scarlet Letter, symbolism is used to give the reader an in-depth understanding into the events that take place in the story. There are several symbols that Hawthorne uses to give meaning to the people, places, and things throughout the story. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne’s husband disappears and is thought to be dead. She has a child with Dimmesdale, Hester’sRead MoreSymbolism In The Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne1045 Words  | 5 Pages Symbolism is the use of symbols in a book to represent ideas or qualities. Symbolism is used many times throughout The Scarlet Letter, whether it be through a person, an object, or a place. Hester Prynne, Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingworth are some of the more important people that are used as symbols by Nathaniel Hawthorne throughout the book. The Scarlet Letter is set in the Puritan time where Hester is the woman who committed adultery, Arthur is the man who committed adulteryRead MoreSymbolism Of The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1513 Words  | 7 Pagessomething that is used to represent or stand for something else. Nathaniel Hawthorne was notorious for having used symbolism to portray both spiritual and moral lessons in his works. In fact, what makes some of his stories so great was the symbolism that he used to set the tone or represent key components in the plot. Many of Hawthorne’s works were centered in the Puritan society and dealt with a human’s inclination to sin. Hawthorne realized the many flaws in humans and saw how fake people couldRead MoreSymbolism Of The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1956 Words  | 8 Pagesgenerations. For example, the Model T is not produced anymore, but is the grandfather of almost every car made today, affecting jobs, businesses, people, and the world. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is taught today because it was one of the first important Americ an written novels that contained obvious symbolism. Since symbolism is used in everything of literary merit, it is important to see where it started. In the same way, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has lastedRead MoreSymbolism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter 1159 Words  | 5 PagesSymbolism in the Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne is known to have a lot of symbolism. Symbolism is a way to convey ideas and give a book a deeper meaning to readers. While there are many symbols in the Scarlet Letter, there are a few that stand out more than others. Pearl, Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth are all main characters that have symbols. Hawthorne symbols are used to help readers relate to the story. In order to really comprehend the book the readerRead MoreSymbolism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter882 Words  | 4 PagesSymbolism in The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter was a novel written in the 1850 s by a man named Nathaniel Hawthorne. Throughout the Scarlet Letter he uses scads of literary devices. The literary devices are there to give the novel more depth. The main device he uses in the novel is symbolism. Hawthorne uses the symbolism to make an object have more than one meaning. Three of the elements he uses as symbols are the scarlet letter, Pearl, and the forest. These symbols are seen differently by theRead MoreThe Symbolism Of Sin In The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1086 Words  | 5 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne,  a anti-transcendentalists, born during the early 1800’s, born in Salem, made a book called The Scarlet Letter. The Scarlet Letter was a book about Puritans in New England, during the 1600’s in a small Puritan town. In his novel, The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbolism of The Scarlet Letter, Pearl and Burrs to contribute to the overall theme of sin.    To begin, Hawthorne uses The Scarlet Letter to symbolize sin. Hester is the main character in the story, sheRead MoreSymbolism By Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter1140 Words  | 5 PagesSymbolism; the use of symbols to represent something abstract by something concrete. It can be powerful in a novel when used correctly. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter is a prime example of Symbolism being used creatively in a work.This is what Hyatt H. Waggoner has to say about the Hawthornes creativity.†But in between the surface and the depths movement is constant and complex, and it is in this middle that the principal value of the work lies.†(Waggoner 73)What Waggoner is talking aboutRead MoreSymbolism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter 1122 Words  | 5 Pagesdraft Topic: Symbolism of the Scarlet letter â€Å"A†In The Scarlet letter the author Nathaniel Hawthorne illustrates the use of symbolism in the book, especially the scarlet letter â€Å"A.†Symbolism is defined as a figure of speech used for an object, or a word to represent something else in literature. The Scarlet letter â€Å"A†had a change of meaning throughout the novel. In the inception of the book it is known as a symbol of Adultery. As the book continues the scarlet letter is looked at differentlyRead MoreSymbolism In The Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne825 Words  | 4 PagesThe Puritan era in New England was inundated with an atmosphere of righteousness and judgment. This culture spurned those who strayed from its religious codes. In his novel The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses multiple symbols to bring a deeper meaning to the society, his characters, and to adultery. One of the motifs used comes as the character Pearl, the daughter of the two adulterers. Pearl has multiple descriptions ; physically, she is â€Å"a lovely and immortal flower,†yet also â€Å"an airy Symbolism Of The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne A symbol is something that is used to represent or stand for something else. Nathaniel Hawthorne was notorious for having used symbolism to portray both spiritual and moral lessons in his works. In fact, what makes some of his stories so great was the symbolism that he used to set the tone or represent key components in the plot. Many of Hawthorne’s works were centered in the Puritan society and dealt with a human’s inclination to sin. Hawthorne realized the many flaws in humans and saw how fake people could be, so he was able to write truthfully about people and shed a terribly unflattering light on them. The most obvious symbol used in The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne’s magnum opus, was the scarlet â€Å"A†that Hester Prynne bore on her chest as a reminder of the sin she committed. At the start of the story the â€Å"A†stood for an adulterer and she was obligated to wear it so every one knew what she had done. Hester had a huge decision to make, sh e could have either lived in the shadow of that letter or she could have chosen not to let it define who she was and give the â€Å"A†a new meaning. Hester made the right decision and chose not to be enslaved by her past. She turned the â€Å"A†from a symbol of her mistake and the shame that had been placed upon her, to be positive and standing for â€Å"Able.†Nobody knew who the father of Hester’s child Pearl was for a while. The readers and Roger Chillingworth, Hester’s husband, find out that the man she committed adultery with was ReverendShow MoreRelatedSymbolism Of The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1464 Words  | 6 PagesNicholas Markle Mrs. Voshell Honors English 10 6 January 2017 Symbolism in the Scarlet Letter In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book, The Scarlet Letter, symbolism is used to give the reader an in-depth understanding into the events that take place in the story. There are several symbols that Hawthorne uses to give meaning to the people, places, and things throughout the story. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne’s husband disappears and is thought to be dead. She has a child with Dimmesdale, Hester’sRead MoreSymbolism In The Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne1045 Words  | 5 Pages Symbolism is the use of symbols in a book to represent ideas or qualities. Symbolism is used many times throughout The Scarlet Letter, whether it be through a person, an object, or a place. Hester Prynne, Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingworth are some of the more important people that are used as symbols by Nathaniel Hawthorne throughout the book. The Scarlet Letter is set in the Puritan time where Hester is the woman who committed adultery, Arthur is the man who committed adulteryRead MoreSymbolism Of The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne923 Words  | 4 PagesSymbolism is a common approach used in writing, but it is not to be taken for its exact connotation. In literature, the symbol can be a person, item, circumstance, or action that has a more profound significance in the writing. In The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne there are four main symbols that the reader would notice. The symbols include, the colors red and black, the meteor, Pearl, and the scarlet letter itself. Hawthorne uses symbolism in the novel to communicate his message. In thisRead MoreSymbolism Of The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1956 Words  | 8 Pagesgenerations. For example, the Model T is not produced anymore, but is the grandfather of almost every car made today, affecting jobs, businesses, people, and the world. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is taught today because it was one of the first important American written novels that contained obvious symbolism. Since symbolism is used in everything of literary merit, it is important to see where it started. In the same way, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has lastedRead MoreSymbolism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter 1159 Words  | 5 PagesSymbolism in the Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne is known to have a lot of symbolism. Symbolism is a way to convey ideas and give a book a deeper meaning to readers. While there are many symbols in the Scarlet Letter, there are a few that stand out more than others. Pearl, Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth are all main characters that have symbols. Hawthorne symbols are used to help readers relate to the story. In order to really comprehend the book the readerRead MoreSymbolism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter882 Words  | 4 PagesSymbolism in The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter was a novel written in the 1850 s by a man named Nathaniel Hawthorne. Throughout the Scarlet Letter he uses scads of literary devices. The literary devices are there to give the novel more depth. The main device he uses in the novel is symbolism. Hawthorne uses the symbolism to make an object have more than one meaning. Three of the elements he uses as symbols are the scarlet letter, Pearl, and the forest. These symbols are seen differently by theRead MoreThe Symbolism Of Sin In The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1086 Words  | 5 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne,  a anti-transcendentalists, born during the early 1800’s, born in Salem, made a book called The Scarlet Letter. The Scarlet Letter was a book about Puritans in New England, during the 1600’s in a small Puritan town. In his novel, The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbolism of The Scarlet Letter, Pearl and Burrs to contribute to the overall theme of sin.    To begin, Hawthorne uses The Scarlet Letter to symbolize sin. Hester is the main character in the story, sheRead MoreSymbolism By Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter1140 Words  | 5 PagesSymbolism; the use of symbols to represent something abstract by something concrete. It can be powerful in a novel when used correctly. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter is a prime example of Symbolism being used creatively in a work.This is what Hyatt H. Waggoner has to say about the Hawthornes creativity.†But in between the surface and the depths movement is constant and complex, and it is in this middle that the principal value of the work lies.†(Waggoner 73)What Waggoner is talking aboutRead MoreSymbolism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter 1122 Words  | 5 Pagesdraft Topic: Symbolism of the Scarlet letter â€Å"A†In The Scarlet letter the author Nathaniel Hawthorne illustrates the use of symbolism in the book, especially the scarlet letter â€Å"A.†Symbolism is defined as a figure of speech used for an object, or a word to represent something else in literature. The Scarlet letter â€Å"A†had a change of meaning throughout the novel. In the inception of the book it is known as a symbol of Adultery. As the book continues the scarlet letter is looked at differentlyRead MoreSymbolism In The Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne825 Words  | 4 PagesThe Puritan era in New England was inundated with an atmosphere of righteousness and judgment. This culture spurned those who strayed from its religious codes. In his novel The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses multiple symbols to bring a deeper meaning to the society, his characters, and to adultery. One of the motifs used comes as the character Pearl, the daughter of the two adulterers. Pearl has multiple descriptions ; physically, she is â€Å"a lovely and immortal flower,†yet also â€Å"an airy
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Why Everybody Is Talking About Economic Crisis Essay Topics...The Simple Truth Revealed
Why Everybody Is Talking About Economic Crisis Essay Topics...The Simple Truth Revealed What You Can Do About Economic Crisis Essay Topics Beginning in the Next 10 Minutes If you wish to think of the superior essay on microeconomics topics by yourself, the very first place you should search is the internet. In light of the it might be useful if you were able to explain to us why you regard the info and knowledge you've provided as confidential. The collection of effective and very good topics are a few of the first challenges faced by university students who must compose economics essays. The topics covered within this list aren't exhaustive which means there's a broad range of more exclusive areas that ought to be researched. Going through a number of cause and effect essay topics would quickly offer you a firm foot within this venture. The thing to keep in mind is that as soon as you know how to approach essays on economics correctly, you'll find the process interesting and actually enjoyable. Though some may see them as pretty complicated, they are a few of the most straightforward article ideas you will ever encounter. Don't forget that studying isn't always a critical matter and in addition, there are fun cause and effect essay topics you'll be able to refer to. Social issues concern almost every facet of the social order, and thus, in the event you've been assigned an essay within this field, you're in fact given the opportunity to pick from countless topics involving social facets. The environmental field is full of various facets and consequently intriguing cause and effect essay topics. You could struggle to discover the research which aids your argument, and you may also be second-guessing your own understanding. It is necessary for every man or woman to know about basic facts about economics. The Lost Secret of Economic Crisis Essay Topics Essay about financial crisis should outline the principal reasons of the crisis in the nation, its negative results on the financial increase and society well-being. Generally, every crisis provokes the recession in economy, which results in detrimental and drastic changes in the life span of the nation. A debt crisis happens when a country can't pay back or refinance its government debt with no external assistance. Introduction Economic crisis is a wide term used to refer to a variety of financial scenarios. There are quite a lot of facets that add to the growth of the financial crisis. It's only through such actions that the financial needs will shift to defend the environment from harm. There's a close connection between economics and company. Such programme would involve an effort to improve the domestic demand and so causing an expansion of the trade between countries. Citations and extracts from several sources have to be formatted properly. Topics for cause and effect essay could possibly be variable, but the paper presupposes that the author should do a great deal of analyses and discover the root of the problem under review, the explanations for it and the resultant outcomes. A little family essay tree what's architecture essay writing. To begin with, a good essay should clearly highlight its principal idea. In theory, it's easy to recognize the important elements of successful essay writing. Each bit of writing is prepared especially for every customer. You wish to continue to keep notes on ideas you have as you're writing. With this much content out there it's really easy to accidentally copy another work, in spite of the most creative essay ideas. Finding the correct topic to compose a paper on is one of the most essential phases of the writing process. Making a list of the benefits and disadvantages is the ideal beginning to writing an advantages and disadvantages essay about inflation. Top Choices of Economic Crisis Essay Topics Therefore, the government appears to be too generoussince it funds numerous programs and promises to enhance the life span of ordinary men and women. It's quite apparent that quite a few of our decisions rely on the sum of money we have. When a nation isn't getting enough finance or is not getting sufficient money to operate all the essential tasks, then ultimately, the nation do face through the world economic crisis. The occasion to pass on expert knowledge, exchange specialist abilities and t rain together will be a priceless resource. Note you will have lots of chances to get a great job in the industry of law, business, politics, etc. after graduation. Nowadays, many students choose to earn a career in the field of economics. There are particular rules students have to see when they receive a task to write about a financial crisis.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Combination Therapy in Heart Failure Free Essays
The ability of the heart to pump blood Is impaired and It can no longer meet the bodys metabolic requirements Table 1 . New York Heart Association Classiflcation of Heart Failure. Remme W], Swedberg K. We will write a custom essay sample on Combination Therapy in Heart Failure or any similar topic only for you Order Now Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic heart failure. European Heart Journal. [Online] 2001; 22(17): 1527-1 560. during the rest or exercisel. By treating HF we try to relieve patients symptoms, Improve their quality of life, prevent hospitalization and most importantly prolong their life. The treatment Includes Improved diet (reduced salt intake), physical activity and pharmacological treatment. There are numerous angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs), vasodilators, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors Ramipril) and beta-blockers (Carvedilol). We will have a look at the last two classes. They have been PATHOPHYSIOLOGY The previous hemodynamic model was not adequate and was therefore replaced by neurohormonal model, which involves Reninangiotensin-aldosterone-system sympathetic nervous system 1 , (RAAS) 3 is summarized in Figure 1. The activation of RAAS leads to vasoconstriction, oedema and myocardial fibrosis, which are induced by Angiotensin Ill . roven to be very efficient in HF by numerous clinical studies2-4. SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS HF involves many symptoms such as dyspnoea fatigue, and ankle oedema. l The signs of HF are achycardia (100 beats per minute), tachyarrhythmia, tachypnoea, distended Jugular murmur and S3 and S4 heart sounds. The Figure 1 . pathophysiology of heart failure and different levels of therapeutic intervention. Taken from: Perrenoud J]. Heart failure (Part 1). European Geriatric Medicine. [Online] 2011; 2(3): 159-171. ccurrence of these symptoms and signs depends on One of the earliest neurohormonal changes in HF is the severity of heart failure and whether it is caused sympathetic activation and it has a primary role in vein, peripheral oedema, hepatomegaly, heart by systolic dysfunction or diastolic dysfunction . isease progression. Left ventricular remodeling, cell death and changes in gene expression are believed to be the main mechanisms that induce ejection fraction8-11. Because it is very potent, small myocardial doses of the tablet should be taken at the start of damage nervous stimulation 10. treatment (3. 125mg) twice daily. The dose is Heart failure can be categorized in predominantly gradually increased up to maximum of 50mg twice systolic dysfunction where the emptying of the left daily8. ventricle is not optimal and predominantly diastolic dysfunction where the filling of the left ventricle is Molecular targets ot optimall -6. As mentioned above, its major molecular targets are membrane receptors (?l, ?2 and 01). It acts on ion TREATMENT channels (Ca2+ and K+) as well. Carvedilol inhibits As mentioned above, the disease can be treated cardiac voltage-dependent potassium IKr channels using several different drug classes4. Multidrug with high potency, voltage-dependent calcium therapy is widely used in patients with heart failure. channels as well as Ca2+-permeable transient receptor potential (TRP) family channels in Failure Zealand cardiomyocytes and in vascular smooth muscle Carvedilol Trial) have been conducted to test the ells. Furthermore, a study conducted by (Kikuta et benefits of different combinations of drugs. It was al. , 2006) suggests that the drug blocks ATP- proven that these therapies significantly reduce the sensitive (KATP) and G-protein-activated (KG) risk of mortality and improve the symptoms. otassium However, hyperinsulinemia and hypoglycemia. It is believed implementing multi drug therapy. ACE inhibitors that the KG channel is opened by G protein in can cause hypotension, cough, and worsen the renal response to stimulation of G-protein-coupled function. Cough can cause patient noncompliance, uscarinic acetylcholine receptors in atria and sino- which in turn may result in the nee d of different drug therapy. Beta-blockers can cause bradycardia, channel would result in anti-cholinergic effects in hypotension, fatigue and fluid retention. Also, in the heartl 2. Study patients there with Australian-New are risks diabetes, associated beta-blockers channels. This results in could Pharmacodynamics Carvedilol is a racemic mixture of R and S Carvedilol enantiomers. Both enantiomers show al receptor Carvedilol is a non-selective beta-blocker (?l and inhibition. However, only S enantiomer inhibits ? ?2) has drenoreceptors. It competitively blocks both ?l and vasodilatation and antioxidant effects. Previously it ?2 receptors. The drug reduces high blood pressure be mainly due to the al and ? blockage. The inhibition contraindicated in HF as it has negative ionotropic of al receptor lowers total peripheral vascular effect. However, studies have shown that carvedilol resistance. Hence, it reduces afterload and balances in combination with ACE inhibitors improves the negative ionotropic effect the ? inhibition. As a function of the heart, especially left ventricular result, the stroke volume and cardiac output are al-blocker. elieved that Furthermore, carvedilol it should maintained or even increased. The systemic arterial The effects of carvedilol are summarized in figure pressure is lowered without reducing the renal 3. lood flow13-14. The antioxidant effects carvedilol and some of its metabolites are due to the presence of carbazole moiety (shown in Figure 2). In myocardial cell membrane carvedilol inhibits lipid peroxidation. Moreover, endothelial, vascular and neuronal smooth muscle cells from reactive oxygen species. Metabolite SB209995 is much more potent antioxidant than carv edilol itself. Animal studies have shown (Feuerstein et l. , 1998) heart failure imbalances the production of reactive oxygen species and the oxidant defense mechanism. The consequence is an excess of free radicals. This may result in cytotoxic effects as well as cardiovascular remodelingl 3. Figure 3. Molecular targets, pharmacodynamics and clinical implications of carvedilol. Cheng J, Kamiya K, Kodama l. Carvedilol: Molecular and Cellular Basis for its Multifaceted Therapeutic Potential. cardiovascular Drug Revvtevs. coniine] 2006; 19(2): 152-71. Therapeutic efficacy Many different controlled clinical studies were made in order to determine the efficacy of carvedilol. The most known are COPERNICUS, CAPRICORN and USCHFS. They have all shown significant reduction in morbidity and mortality in comparison placebol 5-16. COMET investigating the difference between carvedilol and metoprolol efficacy. The study showed that the allcause mortality was lower with carvedilol (34%) Figure 2. Chemical structure of carvedilol (with postulated active sites) and its active metabolites. * denotes the point of assymetry. Taken from: Cheng J, Kamiya K, Kodama l. Carvedilol: Molecular and Cellular Basis for its Multifaceted Therapeutic Potential. cardiovascular Drug Rewtevs. coniine] 2006; 19(2): 152-71. Carvedilol aids lipid metabolism as it prevents the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL). It is known that LDL has destructive effects endothelial cells. Carvedilol also inhibits the Renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Hence, the production of Angiotensin II is lowered. Furthermore, studies on cardiac rat myocytes showed that carvedilol enhances the production of nitrite. It is therefore believed that it can increase the NO synthesis through some adrenoreceptor independent mechanism. However, the role of excessive amounts of NO in the diseased heart remains unclear 13-14. than with metoprolol (40%) as shown in figure 417. Figure 4. All-cause Mortality between Carvedilol and Metoprolol. Poole-Wilson PA, Swedberg K, Cleland JGF et al. Comparison of carvedilol and metoprolol on clinical outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure in the Carvedilol or Metoprolol European Trial (COMET): randomized controlled tnal. How to cite Combination Therapy in Heart Failure, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
What your dreams are telling you Essay Example For Students
What your dreams are telling you Essay Do you know what your dreams are telling you? If your answer was NO youre not alone. Many people have no idea what their dreams are trying to tell them. In this research paper I will answer this question and many other questions about dreams, sleep and also types of dreams. I will also talk about some of the most common or popular dreams and their meanings. We will explore some dream theories and interpretations of dreams. I have also done my own at hand research which I will be sharing with you the reader in this paper. I wish to take you through the dreaming process step by step, but in order for dreams to begin we must first sleep. So that is where Ill begin, with the sleep process. We will write a custom essay on What your dreams are telling you specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now All dreaming starts with sleep. When we sleep there are four stages that we go through (Carskadon 4). Stage one is the lightest phase of sleep. In stage one sleep there is often visual imagery involved. Images appear in the form of wandering or dream like thought which can be controlled unlike a full dream state. In this stage of sleep someone can be awakened by low volume sounds or slight touch. Stage one sleep happens through-out the night. It often reappears as a transitional state of sleep following arousal during the night. When stage one does reappear during sleep it only last thirty seconds to one minute (Carskadon 5-6). Young adults spend ten to fifteen minutes a night in stage one sleep (Carskadon 6). Sometimes during sleep you feel your body jerk or twitch, that is called Hypnic Jerks. This usually happens right before stage two sleep occurs (Carskadon 6). Stage two sleep may have some of the slower eye movement of stage one but in general stage two sleep is free of any eye movement. Another feature of stage two is arousal. Since stage two is a deeper sleep than stage one it will take more arousal to awaken a person from this stage of sleep. The transition from stage two sleep to stage three occurs with a gradual decrease in brain thought (Carskadon 7-9). Stage three sleep as well as stage four is usually referred to as a slow wave sleep. Which basically mean a slow frequency of brain thought. There are no visible eye movements in this stage (Carskadon 10). Again in stage three it takes even more arousal then stage two sleep, to awaken a person from this state of sleep. Most of the dreams remembered occur during stage three sleep (Carskadon 11-12). Stage four sleep is the deepest of sleep. This is where the body and mind gets the most rest. Brain frequencies increase slightly in stage four sleep. In this stage of sleep people begin their dreams. When a person is dreaming you can visually tell by the movement of the eyes. Scientist and theorist measure deep sleep by R.E.M. which simply means rapid eye movement. R.E.M. is measured by sleep monitoring instruments. What they measure is the amount of time your eye moves in stage four sleep and also brain activity along with frequency. Once again much more arousal is needed to awaken a stage four sleeper (Carskadon 14-19). Next we need to examine dreams and the different types of dreams. According to Dr. Koch-Sheras the definition of a dream is a story that evolves in your mind, all in a single flash (32). Dr. Koch- Sheras also states that a dream is a sequence of sensations, images and thoughts (32). I discovered through recent self research I that a lot of people dont remember their dreams or that they just dont dream at all. Well the myth that not everyone dreams is false. Everyone dreams. Everyone! (Koch-Sheras 41). Within a year some people may only remember few or no dreams but, they still dream. Some people are just able to recall dreams better than others (Koch-Sheras 42-46). Dr. Medard Boss professor of psychotherapy at the University of Zurich says that People with above average I.Q. and or upper brain function are more apt to recall dreams of the past nights sleep and sometimes of dreams in past days, weeks,
Friday, March 20, 2020
Critique of Angelas Ashes essays
Critique of Angela's Ashes essays It is a frequent view that times for the Irish majority in the 1930s and 40s were very hard. Especially for the Irish Catholic families with the stereotypical drunken father, emotionally ruined mother, kids running around her with her a sore back from the next child to be born. In Angelas Ashes, Frank McCourt examines his childhood experiences, the tragedies, hardships, and learning involved with growing up. One of the most interesting aspects of the writing in Angelas Ashes is how the text is written, from McCourts interpretation of the situation at his age that he was at the time, the spelling and grammar also indicate that the child is writing, not the adult. This contributes greatly to the emotions and enjoyment evoked from reading the book. It also better describes how a child actually sees the things that are going on around them, and what they may be thinking. Personally, sometimes it has made me think for a while about how I interpreted things I saw when I was that age, and the fun I had being a kid. McCourt describes his brothers and sister, even the ones that died, and how much he enjoyed growing up with them, how they cared and loved for each other. Because of the appalling quarters they lived in and the lack of money and food there was terminal illnesses in the family, which proved fatal to some of his siblings. McCourt in his childlike writing style describes how his siblings and he, interpret whats happened and how they see their parents reacting. McCourt also analyzes how his young brother Malachy looks up to him, and how much he takes Malachy under his wing and takes care of him. Parenting is said to be one of the hardest tasks out there today, especially sole parenting. McCourt carefully examines his mother, how she copes with her drunken husband, how her cousins who married gentlemen are constantly trying to run her life, and how she acts as a woman. His father, The...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
When To Apply For College Complete Timeline
When To Apply For College Complete Timeline SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Manystudents start college in the fall after they graduate high school, but their planning and applying starts yearsbefore. Application deadlines may be in the fall or winter of senior year, and completing each step on the path to college mightstartas early as freshman year. This article is concerned with when to apply for college: when do you complete each step of the process, and when are your college deadlines? After reading this, you'll know exactly when to apply to college and what steps are needed. Let's first consider what the majority of students do. When Do the Majority of Students Apply to College? Most students apply to college in their senior year of high school. They graduate in May or Juneand then start college in Septemberof that same year. There are a few different deadlines, and schools offer variousoptions for when to apply forcollege. These options include one or more of the following: early decision, early action, regular decision, and rolling admissions. Generally speaking, you would apply for early admissions in November of 12th grade. To meet a regular decision deadline, you’d apply a few months later in January or February. Let’s take a look at each deadline in more specific detail, starting with early decision and early action. When Do You Apply for Early Admissions? Early admissions includes two options, early decision and early action. While early decision and early action differ in terms of their conditions, they share similar timelines. Both have a deadline in November and allow you to hear back about your admissions decision in mid-December. Some popular schools with early action deadlines of November 1 are Boston College, CalTech, Georgetown, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Stanford, University of Virginia, Villanova, and Yale. Popular early decision schools with a November 1 deadline include Boston University, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, NYU, University of Pennsylvania, and Vanderbilt. Some schools with early decisionnow also offer an Early Decision II deadline, which is in January. This binding option lets you hear back early from your first choice school, usually in February, about whether or not you got in.Some popular schools with Early DecisionII deadlines of January 1 are Bowdoin, Brandeis, Emory, NYU, Smith, Tufts, and Vanderbilt. Early admissions can be a great option for students who are prepared to apply early and appreciate early notification. If you're planning to apply early, when do you complete each step of the process? Your College Planning Timeline for Early Deadlines Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither should your application be. You need to take time filling out your application, thoughtfully writing about your extracurricular involvement, and proofreading all of the information for errors. Apart from filling out your app, you'll have to take time fulfilling other requirements. Three that demand the most planning and time are your personal essay, recommendation letters and SAT or ACT scores. You should spend a few months thinking about and writing your personal essay. Giving yourself space to brainstorm and mull over ideas is an important part of the writing process that can take weeks. Since your essay is such an important part of your application, you should spend a couple of months drafting, getting feedback, and revising it until it feels precise and authentic, almost like a work of art. To meet an early deadline, you might begin working on it over the summer before senior year. While it's rare that the Common App changes its essay prompts, they have done so in the past. Common App announced these changes in August. Keep this in mind when working on your essay, but don't worry about drastic changes in the questions. Generally speaking, they all ask you tocommunicatesomething important about your identity and show how you make meaning of significant experiences in your life. A second piece of your application that requires your attention early on is your recommendation letters. You should ask your counselor and teachers at least a month before your deadlines, likely by the end of September. You might also ask your junior year teachers at the end of 11th grade. Apart from making the request, you should also spend a week or so thinking about and filling out your "brag sheet," so that your recommenders have some thoughtful material to consult when they begin to write. Finally,you want to leave yourself plenty of time to take the SAT or ACT. You might take the tests two or three times to achieve your target scores. You also would benefit from several months to study and improve. To apply for an early deadline, you'd ideally have your test scores all set by the end of junior year. You might be able to take the tests in September or October of senior year, but these dates should be a last resort, rather than a "make or break" test date. To reiterate, you'll want to work on your essays a few months before your November deadlines, ask for recommendationsin junior year or September of senior year, and start prepping and planning for the SAT or ACT at the end of 10th or beginning of 11th grade. Applying early to college isan increasingly popular option among students, but the majority of students still apply under regular decision. Read on to learn about regular decision deadlines and how they impact your college planning. When Do You Apply Under Regular Decision? The most commonregular decision deadlinesare in January and February. January 1 is a common date, making for a busy winter break! January 15 and January 31 are popular ones, too. Some schoolswith regular decision January 1 deadlines are Boston University, Harvard, NYU, and Yale, among many others. Students who apply under regular decision usually hear back about their admissions decisions in March or April. Since regular decision deadlines are in the winter, how does your college planning schedule differ from that to meet an early deadline? Your College Planning Timeline for RegularDeadlines Does your timeline match the one described above for early deadlines except pushed forward two to three months? Yes and no. You have to consider how busy the fall of senior year is, both for you and for your teachers and counselors. If your schedule is packed with challenging courses and after school involvements, then you still might want to work on your essay over the summer months, when you have more time and focus for it. You also might still ask for your recommendations in September, or at least October. Some teachers set a cap on how many letters they'll write, and they probably don't want to spend their entire winter holiday writing letters. Try to ask early in the fall semester. You might have one more opportunity to take the SAT or ACT, like in December. It's still advisable to take it at least once in junior year, and many students take it twice - in the fall of 11th grade and again in the spring. Again, you want to think about your schedule in the fall and how to best balance putting together a strong college application with all your other assignments, clubs, and/or sports. Finally, some schools don’t have set deadlines at allandare flexible about when applications arrive. This option is called rolling admissions. When Do You Apply for Rolling Admissions? Your timeline for applying rolling admissions depends on a few factors and may vary from student to student. Schools with rolling admissions accept applications throughout a period of time, usually ranging from the fall to the spring. The University of Virginiaopens its application window on September 1, for instance. Since most schools with rolling admissionsaccept applicationson a first come, first served basis - sometimes notifying you of admission only a few weeks after you submit - it’s advisable to apply as early as possible. Sticking to an early deadline of November or regular deadline in January, even though you don’t absolutely have to, is a good guideline to follow. Not only will setting a deadline for yourselfhelp you keep better track of your college planning, but it will help you apply early and thereby impress admissions officers and gaina better chance of admission. Some schools with rolling admission also publicize a priority deadline, meaning students who apply by that deadline have an advantage. UVA’s priority deadline, for instance, is November 30. They’ll still accept applications after, but you’ll have improved chances if you apply by then. So far, this article assumes that you’re applying as a senior to go right into college. Of course, not all students immediately move ontocollege after graduating. Some choose to take a gap year or apply later in life. Others actually get a headstart on college and apply even younger. When do these students apply? When Do You Apply If You're Not a High School Senior? There are other timelines for applying to college besides the typical one that culminates in senior year.Maybe you want to work for a year or two before entering college. Maybe you have the opportunity to volunteer abroad or travel the world. Perhaps you graduated years ago and are now thinking about going back to school for your degree. In these cases, you'll still apply to meet the same early or regular deadlines or rolling admissions time frame. However, you might need to leave yourself extra time to collect all your application materials. Let’s consider each of the above situations individually. "I Want to Take a Gap Year" If this sounds like you, when do you apply for college? Actually, your timeline might still involve applying senior year. Lots of schools allow you to defer your admissions decision for a year. That means you would still apply by an early or regular deadline, or rolling admissions, and then if you got accepted, you'd defer your enrollment for one academic year. You might be thinking that you want to travel and then figure out where to go to college. This could be a good option too, but remember that your deadlines might still be in January. That meansyou’ll still need to have your SAT scores finalized, letters of recommendation gathered, and essays written throughout the fall. Not all that much time will have passed since highschool, so it could be a lot easier to get everything collectedwhile you’re still in the swing of schooland used to being a student. If you’ve been out of school already for a year or two, then that’s a different story. "I'm Going Back to College After a Year or More Off" If you’ve been out of high school for a while, then you’ll probably have to reconnect with your school for teacher and counselor recommendations and official documents, like your transcript. if you haven’t taken the SAT or ACT yet, then you may have to study and take one of those tests as well. Your deadlines will be in November or December, as mentioned above, and you’ll mostly wantto follow similar steps, like asking for recommendationsat least a month before your deadlines and leaving yourself a couple opportunities to prep for and take the SAT or ACT. If you've been out of school for several years, then colleges might not require you take the SAT or ACT as they would a high school student. You'll want to contact the colleges early to find out whether or not you need to prep for and take one of these exams. It’d be advisable to leave yourself extra time so that you can meet with your recommenders and help them write you a letter. Since you’re nota current student, you’ll want to have extra time to set up appointments with faculty and gather all the documents you need. Finally, when do students apply if they want to graduate high school earlierthan senior year? "I'm Graduating High School Early" There are rare advanced students who earn enough credits, perhaps from courses at a local community college or online, to graduate high school early and go straight into college at a young age. These students push their timeline earlier by a year or two, taking the SATor ACTas freshmen or sophomores, and gathering all their documents early. If this sounds like you, you'll probably wantto work closely with your counselors, administrators, and teachers to make sure they agree with your choice. You might take your tests in freshmen and sophomore year, ask your sophomore year teachers for recommendations, and apply in the fall or winter of your junior year. You may also have to take the GED to earn the equivalent of your high school diploma. Make sure you've met all graduation requirements and, of course, have concrete, realistic reasons for graduating high school early and enrolling in college. The aforementioned situations are exceptions rather than the rule, but can be great options if they apply to your situation and needs. In closing, let's review when most students submit their applications to colleges. ToSum Up... We've covered all the important details of when to apply for college. The majority of students apply tocollege in January or February of their senior year to meet regular decision deadlines. They hear back in April and choose a college by the national response date of May 1. Other students might apply in November with early decision or early action, or through a range of time with rolling admissions. To meet deadlines, college planning must start at least a year or two out. This includes prepping for the SATor ACTand writing essays, but it alsoincludesthe time it takes to reflect on your interests, explore new ones, and think deeply about where you'd like to go to college. As you explore and develop in high school, you should be thinking about your goals and what college communities wouldprovide you with the intellectual climate and opportunities to thrive. This journey starts early in high school, and of course continues throughout the rest of your life. What’sNext? Now that you have a sense of when to start applying for college, what aboutspecific deadlines forschools? This guide hasthe full list of early decision deadlines, and this one has the complete list of early action deadlines. Are you a younger student interested in getting more involved in community service?Learn all about community service here, plus check out the 9 best places to volunteer. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Business Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Analysis - Essay Example Cultural norms influence consumer buying behavior. For instance Chinese culture does not associate kitchen utensil with status symbol. Dishwashers in this country are often viewed as a problem creator, encompassing high costs. Hence the business strategy for this product needs to be inclined towards establishing a strong market position (Pringle, 2008). There is desirable percentage of individuals who belong to middle income group in China. Market penetration strategy shall be most suitable for this particular business idea. Low cost products with superior quality are expected to acquire wider base of customers. Segmentation, targeting and positioning are essential components when it comes to trading in foreign markets. Dishwashers are not a necessity in China. Segmentation for this product will be based on demographic factors such as gender and income group. The main target market for the product would be females, specifically housewives. They might understand the need for this product in terms of making their tasks simpler. Middle income group shall be targeted since product price would be low in initial stages of product launch. Positioning statement of the product will be – ‘an affordable cleaning power at doorstep’. This form of positioning clearly reveals that a product which is not a necessity can still prove to be beneficial for living beings (Wintzer, 2007). Market positioning of dishwashers will be aligned with the concept of low cost and high quality. Global marketing strategy is highly dependent on characteristics of customers. It can be stated that marketing mix elements revolves around customer’s needs in context of foreign market. The four P’s of marketing mix such as product, price, place and promotion shall outline marketing strategy of dishwashers in Chinese market. Product is an innovative mechanical device which cleans dishes or utensils in least time possible. Branded dishwashers are sold at 2174 Yuan or $350 via
Monday, February 3, 2020
Food Security Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Food Security - Coursework Example The United States does not have the capacity to provide food security to the rest of the world despite having a pool of high expertise, science and technology. Barriers to food security include poor distribution networks, border barriers and poor infrastructure. Issues of food safety coupled with diverse national and international standards across the world also play a key role in inhibiting achievement of food security. It is therefore important to note that globalization may either lead to persisting food insecurity if international organizations such as World Trade Organization fail to intervene on global barriers to food security. According to Department of State, the 2008 crisis does not only illustrate the kind of disruptions the US can experience but also demonstrate the extent of unpreparedness. The United States does not have the capacity to provide food security to the rest of the world despite having a pool of high expertise, science and technology. Barriers to food sec urity include poor distribution networks, border barriers and poor infrastructure. Issues of food safety coupled with diverse national and international standards across the world also play a key role in inhibiting achievement of food security.  The 2008 crisis does not only illustrate the kind of disruptions the US can experience but also demonstrate the extent of unpreparedness. Food security for all nations of the world requires long term intervention that focuses on the root causes and the underlying issues of food insecurity.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) History and
Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) History and PART 2 EFFICIENCY MARKET HYPOTHESIS Introduction In order to better understand the origin and the idea behind the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), an overview of the EMH, The Random Walk Model, different degrees of information efficiency and the implications of efficient markets for investors are studied in the paper. Efficient Market Hypothesis The efficiency concept is one of the most essential concepts for investment management and analysis. Market efficiency basically revolves around three related assumptions on proper- allocation efficiency, informational efficiency and operational efficiency. Efficiency in allocation is a vital characteristic of a strong market wherein the allocation of capital is done in a proper way so that it benefits all the participants and helps in promotion of economic growth and status. Efficiency in operation is another crucial parameter which is used commonly by economists to determine and analyzes how resources are utilized in the market to benefit operational activities in the market and industry. Efficiency in information helps to determine the actual market value of shares based on its intrinsic value. The Information efficiency signifies that reflection on all available information pertaining to the security’s price must be used to determine the security’s observed market price. (Hossain,Rahman, 2006) The introduction to the idea of market efficiency was given by Bachelier (1900) and later it was termed as efficient market by Fama (1965) Fama (1970) further went on to state the vital conditions/ assumptions for maintaining efficiency: Provision of no transactional costs during the trading of securities; All information is freely available to all the participants in the market, and Agreement of all of them on the implications of the information relating to the current price and future distribution of prices of each security He identified three forms of informational efficiency, which are the weak form(underdeveloped), the semi-strong form(developing) and the strong form efficiency(developed). Forms of Market Efficiency Weak-Form Efficiency Weak form efficiency market implies that it is an efficient market which reflects all its market information accurately and does not provide profit for the investor based on past records or rates. This past records stands invalid for the market. Fama (1970) stipulates in his theory that no investor can avail greater returns when the market is weak-form efficient. Example African economy has a weak efficiency market wherein the means to attain gains on investment is narrow based on past investment experience. Example trading test, auto correlation test and run test. Semi-Strong Form Efficiency Semi Strong Form Efficiency market indicates that market is efficient and it reflects all public information. It says that the stocks are absorbant of all new information and incorporates it by adjusting to it. It is partly like the weak form efficiency market wherein the stocks rate are based upon new information that is released after the stocks are bought. So making it difficult for the market to be predictable. Fama (1970) explains the semi-strong form efficient market as the one where share price not only reflect on all information regarding its past and historic prices, but also includes additional public information which is later on integrated with the shared price and adjusted to reveal the true share value. This also implies that an investor will not be able to use the public information for the generation of gains in the evolving stock market. Event tests and time series/ regression tests are some examples. Strong Form Efficiency The Strong form efficient market relies on both public as well as private information wherein the stock prices are based and reflected upon. So an average investor cannot make much profit more than others also when he is given the new information. It incorporates both the weak form and semi strong form of market efficiency. Private information concerns the information that is not yet published or known only to the security analysts/ fund managers. The new public and private information is then incorporated into the share price to represent its true share value. This makes it even more difficult for the investor to assess share values. Examples are insiders, exchange specialists, institutional money managers and analysts who have access to new information. Fundamental analysis and technical analysis This analysis makes use of analysing and evaluating the financial statements, health of the business, efficiency of the management and their competitive advantages, while also examining the competition in the market. When applied on forex and futures market it uses production, interest rates, earnings, GDP, employment, manufacturing, housing and management analysis. While technical analysis predicts the future of market based on past prices, volume and market information. This is useful for behaviour economics and quantitative analysis. Both these methods of analysis contradict the premise and study made on efficiency market theory which states that study of market with accuracy cannot be determined by any method. Implications of EMH Market efficiency has some prominent implications concerned with both authorities and investors, which are mentioned below: When a market is efficient they must 1. Not worry about analysis on their investments, but concentrate rather on developing a diversified portfolio to get rewarded for their investments. 2. Adopt to the policy of buy and hold after establishing their portfolios as making frequent changing by shifting from one securities group to another would raise for them unwarranted transaction costs. Other implications are based on the fact that changes in price are random and cannot be predicted, investors are smart enough to not get fooled by the financial reports circulated and lastly the timing of security issues are not crucial. Investors must pay more attention to construct and hold diversified and efficient portfolios rather than taking to fundamental and technical analysis. This approach will definitely benefit them in the long run. Empirical Evidences for anomalies The empirical evidence lists some of the significant ‘anomalies which contradict the efficient market theory as listed below: The January Effect It is often noticed that the stock returns raise high abnormally in the first week of January which is defined as the January effect wherein most of the investors opt to sell some of the stocks befor the year end and later claim for a capital loss to evade tax and then go on to make their reinvestments later on. (Rozeff and Kinney, 1976) Size Effect The Size Effect is the small firm’s tendency, which holds a small capital market, to outweigh and surpass the market of larger companies and rise as an underdog over the long term. (Banz, 1981) and (Reinganum, 1981) Weekend Effect This is a notable phenomenon wherein the stock returns are observed to be comparatively lower on Mondays as against those on the preceding Fridays. ( French, 1890).. Value Effect The value effect related to the nature of stocks that hold low cost, earnings ratio to outdo other alternative portfolios of stocks which have higher cost, earnings ratio. Empirical Evidences from Developing Countries Despite huge empirical studies conducted in order to test and validate the Efficient Market Hypothesis in developed countries which witness a flourishing financial market, the pertinent studies on weak efficiency markets are limited in countries like Africa. Most developing and underdeveloped countries suffer a setback due to the problem of thin trading (Mlambo and Biekpe, 2005). Fisher (1966) who first identified this bias due to thin trading on his observation on correlation of return index, stated that the security’s price that are recorded are not similar to their respective underlying values based on theory as when a share trade fails, the recorded price remains the closing price as per the last share trade. It is also stressed that reasons like transactional costs, delay in operations and illiquidity of the market are crucial in determining a concrete statistical evaluation of the study. Bibliography Cohen, W. W., 1996. Learning trees and rules with set valued features. s.l.:s.n.vol1. Fama, E., 1970. Efficient Capital markets: A review of theory and empirical work. 1ed. s.l,American Economic Review. Fisher, R. A., 1966. The design of experiments. 8ed. New York: Hafner publishing. Mikhail, M. W. R., 2004. Do security analysts exhibit persistent Differences in Stock picking ability. s.l.Journal of financial economics. Reiter, S. W. P. F., n.d. Scientific conversations in financial economics. Burlington: Ashgate publishing company.
Friday, January 17, 2020
12 Steps to Recovery Essay
Addiction of any substance is an extremely difficult thing to accept. When we finally realize that We have a problem it is up us to admit it. Once we have accepted that we are addicted we have made the first and most important step to recovery. We learn that once recovery is what we want in our lives there are steps to take these steps is to mean we are ready to completely give yourself to a higher power. This higher power can be anything or anyone we want it to be, whether it be God or someone we can really trust and depend on. There are 12 steps to recovery that will help us stay clean and help us be successful in staying in recovery. This we call the â€Å"12 Step Program. †The first step to recovery is we admit we’re powerless over our addiction and our lives have become unmanageable. This means admitting weeven have an addiction problem. By saying your life has become unmanageable states that we don‘t want to continue living your life the way have been during your addiction. Our addiction has taken over our life, and admitting that we’re an addict helps us take responsibility for our actions instead of blaming others as we did before. The second step is we have come to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity as we knew it. See more: The Story of an Hour Literary Analysis Essay For most of us our higher power is god. We would give everything to our higher power and ask him for forgiveness. We then would recite the Serenity Prayer to help us. The Serenity Prayer is â€Å"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference! †This is a very powerful prayer as I feel today. The third step is that we’ve made the decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understand and know him. We allow him to guide us through the recovery process we are going through. He lets us know that we are not alone in this, and we will never be alone again as long as we have him in our lives. The fourth step is making a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. We look inside ourselves to find out what our morals are and to figure out what we believe in. We figure out what we stand for and learn what we think is right and wrong in life. In this step you must become brutally honest with yourself knowing that there’s nothing we can do to change the past. This does not mean you are a bad person but that you have made some bad decisions in our lives, that we as human beings are not perfect. The fifth step is when we have admitted to God, ourselves, and another human being the exact natures of our wrongs we have done during our addiction. Completing this step gets the monkey off your back pursay. More than most people the addict lead a double life. This means we are only showing what we want people to see. Not being honest and showing our true colors. We still continued to lie and expected to be able to stay clean. Through this step we learned that this is not possible in order to stay clean and live a honest life through recovery. Those of us that belong to religious sanctuaries can confide in the proper person of that faith . Others that are not religious may find someone they can confide in such as a doctor or therapist. Someone that we can trust to keep what has been said in confidence. We cannot disclose anything to our family because we are not allowed to say things to them that will make them unhappy. We cannot save our own skins by making someone else unhappy. By doing so our fears come closer and we begin to realize that our life is opening up and showing what our life was really about . This is the scariest thing we will do. And the hardest step to complete out of all 12 of them. The sixth step is when we ask God to remove these defects of character. Which in turn means we surrender our whole self to God? When we are ready, we say to him something like this: â€Å"My Creator, I am now willing that you should have all of me, good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character which stands in the way of my usefulness to you and my fellows. Grant me strength, as I go out from here, to do your bidding. Amen†The seventh step we become willing to ask God to help us to remove all of our shortcomings. This is not a long step and like I said previously it’s not one of the hardest steps to do during recovery.
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